Put together a young serious historian and a "been-there; done-that" publisher, and you have an impressive interesting book entitled Fascist Italy: A Concise Historical Narrative.
The book, written by 28-year-old Cristogianni Borsella, in my opinion, reveals a well-versed, knowledgeable, and dedicated author with an excellent writing and presentation style that allows readers of all ages and background to learn from him.
In addition, Adolph Caso, publisher of Branden Books, brings to us in the Introduction¾ "Fascism, Italian Style: Reactions to memories and events," as a beautiful backdrop against which we gain a new and/or expanded understanding of Fascism.
Now you might quickly frown and say, "Now why would I want to learn more about Fascism?" I admit it!My first thought was, "Now what have I gotten myself into this time?"However, I was quickly dispelled of my qualms.
Adolph's sharing of his memories of his early life under the regime of Benito Mussolini quickly made the book more personable.
A simple little story about his mother having to give up her pots and pans, for example, emphasizes to each of us the struggles of those who have lived through those horrible times in the past.
At the end of the Introduction, I was looking forward to learning more! Just what is Fascism?"In the past 60 years it has been used egregiously as a synonym for totalitarian dictatorship and chauvinism.
" (P.
The writer continues, however, "Fascism is not just ring-wing bigotry, however; it is much more insidious.
It is the merger of finance capital and state power.
quite literally capitalism in decay.
" (P.
120) Now, does that make you curious?Finance Capital--Banks? State Power--the ever- present bureaucracy??? I must admit that by the time I was reading Chapter 11, "What is Fascism," I was beginning to wonder about how things are going here in the United States.
Was this book relevant to me?Were we perhaps moving toward Fascism or are we already there?There's no way around it, in today's world, we are all asking questions, wondering about whether we are doing the right thing, whether we have gone too far in participating and even initiating actions against other countries.
As the title relates, Borsella has presented a concise historical narrative of the development, movement toward, and the evolution of Fascist Italy, providing both an historical accounting of Italy's place in Fascism as well as the relationship that was later developed between Mussolini and Hitler, as well as a comparative analysis with other ideologies such as Marxism, etc.
The narrative moves quickly and easily, building as is needed to gain the necessary historical background and knowledge and then moving with readers to allow us to consider how Fascism may have or is affecting us in the United States.
I leave you with a selection from 14 Characteristics of Fascism: (pps.
142-143) Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause The supremacy of the military/avid militarism Rampant sexism A controlled mass media Obsession with national security Power of corporations protected Fraudulent elections Rampant cronyism and corruption Any of these sound familiar? Want to read more?Wonder about the rest of the characteristics?Wonder how the author sees the United States based upon his extensive study?I think this book goes beyond the basic research efforts of historians.
Borsella has taken a look at significant historical facts and used them intelligently and effectively to allow us to expand our own knowledge as well as explore how and if we fit within Fascism.
For surely you've heard us being referred to as a Fascist nation?Are we?If you have questions at this point, I highly recommend Fascist Italy by Cristogianni Borsella! G.
Bixler IP Book Reviewer Fascist Italy: A Concise Historical Narrative By Cristogianni Borsella Branden Books ISBN:0828321558 157 Pages
The book, written by 28-year-old Cristogianni Borsella, in my opinion, reveals a well-versed, knowledgeable, and dedicated author with an excellent writing and presentation style that allows readers of all ages and background to learn from him.
In addition, Adolph Caso, publisher of Branden Books, brings to us in the Introduction¾ "Fascism, Italian Style: Reactions to memories and events," as a beautiful backdrop against which we gain a new and/or expanded understanding of Fascism.
Now you might quickly frown and say, "Now why would I want to learn more about Fascism?" I admit it!My first thought was, "Now what have I gotten myself into this time?"However, I was quickly dispelled of my qualms.
Adolph's sharing of his memories of his early life under the regime of Benito Mussolini quickly made the book more personable.
A simple little story about his mother having to give up her pots and pans, for example, emphasizes to each of us the struggles of those who have lived through those horrible times in the past.
At the end of the Introduction, I was looking forward to learning more! Just what is Fascism?"In the past 60 years it has been used egregiously as a synonym for totalitarian dictatorship and chauvinism.
" (P.
The writer continues, however, "Fascism is not just ring-wing bigotry, however; it is much more insidious.
It is the merger of finance capital and state power.
quite literally capitalism in decay.
" (P.
120) Now, does that make you curious?Finance Capital--Banks? State Power--the ever- present bureaucracy??? I must admit that by the time I was reading Chapter 11, "What is Fascism," I was beginning to wonder about how things are going here in the United States.
Was this book relevant to me?Were we perhaps moving toward Fascism or are we already there?There's no way around it, in today's world, we are all asking questions, wondering about whether we are doing the right thing, whether we have gone too far in participating and even initiating actions against other countries.
As the title relates, Borsella has presented a concise historical narrative of the development, movement toward, and the evolution of Fascist Italy, providing both an historical accounting of Italy's place in Fascism as well as the relationship that was later developed between Mussolini and Hitler, as well as a comparative analysis with other ideologies such as Marxism, etc.
The narrative moves quickly and easily, building as is needed to gain the necessary historical background and knowledge and then moving with readers to allow us to consider how Fascism may have or is affecting us in the United States.
I leave you with a selection from 14 Characteristics of Fascism: (pps.
142-143) Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause The supremacy of the military/avid militarism Rampant sexism A controlled mass media Obsession with national security Power of corporations protected Fraudulent elections Rampant cronyism and corruption Any of these sound familiar? Want to read more?Wonder about the rest of the characteristics?Wonder how the author sees the United States based upon his extensive study?I think this book goes beyond the basic research efforts of historians.
Borsella has taken a look at significant historical facts and used them intelligently and effectively to allow us to expand our own knowledge as well as explore how and if we fit within Fascism.
For surely you've heard us being referred to as a Fascist nation?Are we?If you have questions at this point, I highly recommend Fascist Italy by Cristogianni Borsella! G.
Bixler IP Book Reviewer Fascist Italy: A Concise Historical Narrative By Cristogianni Borsella Branden Books ISBN:0828321558 157 Pages