Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Creating Products That People Will Buy

While writing and creating a product is the fun part, all the product management time will not help you sell your product if it is not anything people will buy.

Probably the most important, yet logical step, but still something too many people do not consider, is finding out what potential customers want for information products and are buying now, and what can you provide that others are not already doing.

Again, you do not have to recreate the universe, you just need to think of a better way of offering similar information or services. If you have the time, money, and desire, you most certainly can go right ahead and create a new line of products, but I am trying to give you the straight information on bringing your product to market the quickest way possible.

First, you must identify if there is a current demand for your product idea. Then you must discover what price people are willing to pay for it. Is it a product people are willing to pay a premium for to obtain in-depth information? That may be your angle. Find a product you are interested in developing, then research more specific information about it. Many of the Internet marketing special reports out there today are general information. The product provides the purchaser with basic information anyone can locate on the Internet. however, at least it saves the consumer the time and effort of locating the information.

Take for instance the topic of marketing through social network sites. Many information reports are being sold today that outline the basics of MySpace, uTube, Facebook and all of the other 40 or so popular social networking sites. What if you took the time to log onto 3 or 4 of them and learn everything you can about how to market your business and name to the universe. You could then develop a information product offering very specific information and telling the purchaser exactly how to market themselves. Walk them through the process as if you were holding their hand.

So, to create your headliner product, find an existing product people are buying and make it better. Write it from a different angle. Offer specific information rather than general. And, write as if you are walking them through the process holding their hand.

People today want the quick road to riches. Remember, we are in the era where everyone received a trophy in T-ball. Everyone runs to first base (even if they do not hit the ball).

These same folks want things handed to them on a silver platter. No problem! As an information marketer, you can provide them step-by-step-by-step-by-step instruction on how to do what it is you do. If you can make it that easy, you are a winner.

Just one look at all of the information marketing products on the web today having to do with Internet marketing, List building, or Social Marketing will tell you that all you need to do is locate your niche market, find an existing product, know everything about, then redesign it, only to become a better product.

You can do it!
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