Gentle liposuction is a major advance in the treatment of localized fat and shape. The gentle lipo is the ultimate refinement of the technique of traditional liposuction .
History gentle liposuction:
Gentle liposuction clears two major drawbacks of traditional liposuction , including:
No general anesthesia:
Fats involved in the treatment of the figure is superficial , so quite accessible to local anesthesia.
It is an innovative and highly secure approach to liposuction.
Indeed, the local anesthesia technique developed by Dr. H. Fitoussi , called step by step technique allows a complete and highly efficient system of anesthesia to degrease the area. The suction can be done without pain , the patient is fully awake.
The soft liposuction syringe . Why ?
Fat is a very fragile and friable tissue. Therefore, traditional liposuction has gained a bad reputation for aesthetic operations risk to the skin. Indeed, the extreme power of aspiration associated with the return movement of the cannula, suction causes a tunnel fat. Repeated several times, this gesture can give the skin its irregular appearance, with waves, corrugated or asymmetry.
These defects of the skin due to the excessive power of the suction fatty tissue just waiting to get out.
This is where all the success and ingenuity of smooth liposuction.
Suction is done using a specially designed syringe and adapted to small cannulas soft liposuction.
This type of suction is 100 times less potent than traditional suction vacuum, guaranteeing perfect skin is its major asset.
Very gradually , the syringe back fat , without bloodshed , without damaging the surrounding elements and always without pain. The patient is fully conscious ( awake ) finds the amount of fat removed and especially the results are immediate. In addition, the gentle suction allows safe for the skin to complete liposuction of the treated area . Complete suction final with a perfectly smooth skin under local anesthesia. This is the most advanced soft liposuction.
After surgery , the patient puts her own compression garment before returning home immediately .
Indications soft Liposuction:
What is the gentle liposuction?
Gentle liposuction treatment immediately and definitively the same areas silhouette than traditional liposuction: Riding breeches, thighs, abdomen, knees.
However, it is very much higher for areas requiring a delicate and careful suction as the double chin , face, arms, ankles.
The biggest complaint that we can do the technique of gentle liposuction is the duration of the intervention. On average, it takes 3 times longer to treat an area with traditional liposuction . But this is the price ( minimal) that can treat a silhouette under local anesthesia ensuring perfect skin. Check Liposuction Hospitals in Hyderabad
History gentle liposuction:
Gentle liposuction clears two major drawbacks of traditional liposuction , including:
- No general anesthesia but purely local.
- No risk of a too powerful suction effect with corrugated or wave.
No general anesthesia:
Fats involved in the treatment of the figure is superficial , so quite accessible to local anesthesia.
It is an innovative and highly secure approach to liposuction.
- No general anesthesia with incommodation revival due to the tube in the throat.
- No appointment with the anesthetist.
- No pre- operative assessment (blood , cardiology , radiation ) .
- No hospitalization (immediately after surgery you get home ) .
- Immediate resumption of professional activities.
- No need to be fasting .
Indeed, the local anesthesia technique developed by Dr. H. Fitoussi , called step by step technique allows a complete and highly efficient system of anesthesia to degrease the area. The suction can be done without pain , the patient is fully awake.
The soft liposuction syringe . Why ?
Fat is a very fragile and friable tissue. Therefore, traditional liposuction has gained a bad reputation for aesthetic operations risk to the skin. Indeed, the extreme power of aspiration associated with the return movement of the cannula, suction causes a tunnel fat. Repeated several times, this gesture can give the skin its irregular appearance, with waves, corrugated or asymmetry.
These defects of the skin due to the excessive power of the suction fatty tissue just waiting to get out.
This is where all the success and ingenuity of smooth liposuction.
Suction is done using a specially designed syringe and adapted to small cannulas soft liposuction.
This type of suction is 100 times less potent than traditional suction vacuum, guaranteeing perfect skin is its major asset.
Very gradually , the syringe back fat , without bloodshed , without damaging the surrounding elements and always without pain. The patient is fully conscious ( awake ) finds the amount of fat removed and especially the results are immediate. In addition, the gentle suction allows safe for the skin to complete liposuction of the treated area . Complete suction final with a perfectly smooth skin under local anesthesia. This is the most advanced soft liposuction.
After surgery , the patient puts her own compression garment before returning home immediately .
Indications soft Liposuction:
What is the gentle liposuction?
Gentle liposuction treatment immediately and definitively the same areas silhouette than traditional liposuction: Riding breeches, thighs, abdomen, knees.
However, it is very much higher for areas requiring a delicate and careful suction as the double chin , face, arms, ankles.
The biggest complaint that we can do the technique of gentle liposuction is the duration of the intervention. On average, it takes 3 times longer to treat an area with traditional liposuction . But this is the price ( minimal) that can treat a silhouette under local anesthesia ensuring perfect skin. Check Liposuction Hospitals in Hyderabad