Body contouring procedures are gaining wide popularity and many people go for these to accomplish their unique cosmetic goals. Innovative and safe plastic surgery procedures can help enhance your appearance and boost self-confidence. To help men and women intent on maintaining a slim and trim body contour and a healthy skin tone, established AAAASF accredited plastic surgery centers in New York City offer the latest body contouring treatment solutions that bring about natural-looking results.
Advanced Liposuction Surgery for Effective Fat Removal
The plastic surgery procedures offered in New York City (NYC) are a great boon for men and women troubled by stubborn fat pockets that defy the best exercise and diet regimens. These procedures also help resolve sagging skin issues and restore an appealing and well-proportioned body contour with tight healthy skin.
Plastic surgeons in NYC based premier cosmetic surgery centers utilize new and revolutionary devices such as SmartLipo Triplex to provide laser liposuction treatment. The innovative SmartLipo Triplex is an FDA approved device, and it uses laser energy to dissolve fat, coagulate blood vessels, and tighten loose, sagging skin. This device features three wavelengths - 1440, 1064 and 1320 nm - in a single laser output to treat virtually any area of the body with extreme precision. Moreover, as the device comes with features such as ThermaGuide„, SmartSense„ and ThermaView„, it ensures greater safety for the patients. Liposuction treatment procedures with SmartLipo Triplex enable effective re-contouring of the following body areas:
The laser lipolysis device SmartLipo Triplex helps to perform abdominal etching and high definition laser liposuction procedures precisely. Abdominal etching procedure has proven highly effective for men who cannot accomplish six-pack or eight-pack through heavy workouts or other weight reduction programs.
Safe Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
The major advantages of advanced minimally invasive liposuction surgery procedures are that they can be performed under local anesthesia, and offer more comfort than traditional liposuction methods. Further, these treatment options ensure minimal downtime, and patients can return to work within a few days.
For Perfect Cosmetic Solutions
Utilizing the service of expert plastic surgeons is important if you want to achieve the desired body contouring results. In New York City, consult an experienced surgeon providing services at an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery facility. With a reliable surgeon in NYC you benefit from:
Skilled plastic surgeons in reputable facilities would review your medical history and health reports during the initial consultation phase. They will also provide a detailed explanation of the entire procedure. Plastic surgeons dedicated to their patients will schedule liposuction surgery procedures only if you are found to be the right candidate.
Advanced Liposuction Surgery for Effective Fat Removal
The plastic surgery procedures offered in New York City (NYC) are a great boon for men and women troubled by stubborn fat pockets that defy the best exercise and diet regimens. These procedures also help resolve sagging skin issues and restore an appealing and well-proportioned body contour with tight healthy skin.
Plastic surgeons in NYC based premier cosmetic surgery centers utilize new and revolutionary devices such as SmartLipo Triplex to provide laser liposuction treatment. The innovative SmartLipo Triplex is an FDA approved device, and it uses laser energy to dissolve fat, coagulate blood vessels, and tighten loose, sagging skin. This device features three wavelengths - 1440, 1064 and 1320 nm - in a single laser output to treat virtually any area of the body with extreme precision. Moreover, as the device comes with features such as ThermaGuide„, SmartSense„ and ThermaView„, it ensures greater safety for the patients. Liposuction treatment procedures with SmartLipo Triplex enable effective re-contouring of the following body areas:
- Thighs
- Flanks/Love handles
- Abdomen
- Upper arms
- Buttocks
- Neck
- Hips
- Back
- Knees
The laser lipolysis device SmartLipo Triplex helps to perform abdominal etching and high definition laser liposuction procedures precisely. Abdominal etching procedure has proven highly effective for men who cannot accomplish six-pack or eight-pack through heavy workouts or other weight reduction programs.
Safe Cosmetic Surgery Procedures
The major advantages of advanced minimally invasive liposuction surgery procedures are that they can be performed under local anesthesia, and offer more comfort than traditional liposuction methods. Further, these treatment options ensure minimal downtime, and patients can return to work within a few days.
- Precise body contouring results
- Maximum safety and comfort
- Minimally invasive
- Considerably less bleeding
- Minimal pain and discomfort
- Tighter and smoother skin with few irregularities
- No elaborate surgical scars
- Reduced treatment time
For Perfect Cosmetic Solutions
Utilizing the service of expert plastic surgeons is important if you want to achieve the desired body contouring results. In New York City, consult an experienced surgeon providing services at an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery facility. With a reliable surgeon in NYC you benefit from:
- Perfect and safe treatment procedures
- Personalized care
- Excellent body contouring results
Skilled plastic surgeons in reputable facilities would review your medical history and health reports during the initial consultation phase. They will also provide a detailed explanation of the entire procedure. Plastic surgeons dedicated to their patients will schedule liposuction surgery procedures only if you are found to be the right candidate.