Health & Medical Mental Health

Anxiety Relief Tips

    Mental Relief

    • It is a fact that those who suffer from chronic anxiety will ultimately need to accept that uncertainty is a part of life and that they simply cannot know everything or be prepared for everything. Although those with chronic anxiety subconsciously view worrying as a way to prepare themselves for an uncertain outcome, worrying does nothing to guarantee an outcome. Work on accepting that you cannot know everything.

      Find the positive energy that is located inside of anxiety. You can do this by helping others. This almost always helps you take your mind off of your own anxiety and relieves the stress that another person might be feeling because of her own anxiety.

      It is always good to try to talk about the anxiety that is affecting you. You can talk about it with a friend or family member over the phone or even with somebody you meet at a restaurant or on the bus. Simply stating the anxieties help you to better understand them and be able to deal with them rationally. If you're unable to talk to anybody about your anxieties, find a different way to vent. Writing an e-mail could be an effective way to express yourself.

      Avoid the things that give you anxiety. For example, if reading the newspaper makes you anxious, do not read it or limit yourself on how much you can read.

    Physical Relief

    • Be busy. Anxiety is worst when you have a lot of time to be anxious. By taking action, you are able to work through the anxiety. The work you do can be something as mundane as walking the dog or vacuuming the floor. Other activities like reading can also help you be less anxious. The worst thing you can do is dwell on your problems.

      Exercise can help you overcome stress and fears. The types of exercises that work best depend on you. For some people, light exercises like yoga or walking are most effective, however others find that it is more effective to do heavier workouts like lifting weights or running. Simply do the exercises that make you feel better.

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