Designing and Evaluating Patient Safety Improvement Programs
Key assumptions are the 'external' things, which are outside the program manager's control, that the development team believes need to happen to ensure that achievement of one LogFrame level (e.g. Activities) leads to achievement of the next higher level (e.g. Outputs) (Fig. 4). Assumptions are typically rooted in knowledge that may come from research, experience or theory. It is important to consider these assumptions when monitoring and evaluating a program. Assumptions are sometimes incorrect; or external factors that made the assumption true at the beginning of the program change while the program is underway. If assumptions do not hold during the course of a program, the tactics or strategy may need to change. Our experience suggests that defining assumptions at the beginning of project is difficult and often a skipped step and missed opportunity. Clarifying assumptions as you begin improves the chances of program success.
(Enlarge Image)
Figure 4.
Assumptions for Objective 1 LogFrame matrix.
Clarifying Assumptions
Key assumptions are the 'external' things, which are outside the program manager's control, that the development team believes need to happen to ensure that achievement of one LogFrame level (e.g. Activities) leads to achievement of the next higher level (e.g. Outputs) (Fig. 4). Assumptions are typically rooted in knowledge that may come from research, experience or theory. It is important to consider these assumptions when monitoring and evaluating a program. Assumptions are sometimes incorrect; or external factors that made the assumption true at the beginning of the program change while the program is underway. If assumptions do not hold during the course of a program, the tactics or strategy may need to change. Our experience suggests that defining assumptions at the beginning of project is difficult and often a skipped step and missed opportunity. Clarifying assumptions as you begin improves the chances of program success.
(Enlarge Image)
Figure 4.
Assumptions for Objective 1 LogFrame matrix.