Health & Medical Mental Health

How to Help Driver Alertness

    • 1). Drink some coffee or another caffeinated beverage. Keep a big cup of it with you as you drive and continue to drink it to help your mind stay fresh. Drinking a large caffeinated beverage may cause you to make a few restroom stops along the way, but even a quick stop can help rejuvenate your tired body.

    • 2). Look in your rear view and side mirrors every few minutes. Focusing your gaze straight ahead can make your eyes very tired and which might cause you to doze off. Continuously switch between staring at the road in front of you to checking your mirrors for a second every minute or two.

    • 3). Put your AC unit on the coldest setting and have it lightly blowing on you. Warm air can actually cause you to get too comfortable and therefore promote sleep when you are already tired. Conversely, cold air will have the opposite effect. While it may a little uncomfortable, it will hinder your body's ability to relax.

    • 4). Turn on music to stimulate your mind. Avoid slow, calming beats and opt for some fast rock, peppy pop or upbeat jazz. While some people listen to books on tape, the potentially monotonous tone of the speaker telling the story can get might cause you to doze off.

    • 5). Eat something that will boost your energy such as fruit, veggies, nuts or healthy proteins. A handful of almonds, a hardboiled egg, slices of turkey or dried fruit trail mix are all easy to snack on while maintaining a good driving stance.

    • 6). Pull off the road in a safe area such as rest stop with security or an open gas station and stretch out your body for five minutes. If there is a bathroom, go and splash your face with some water to help wake you in times of fatigue.

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