Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

How To Avoid Weight Gain When You Quit Smoking

Oftentimes when women are considering quitting smoking, they are most concerned about the possibility of weight gain.
Interesting enough a small weight gain (about 3-5 pounds) is what you should expect when you quit smoking.
The truth is that 25% of women experience a weight gain and actually only 3% gain 15 pounds or more.
Usually the larger weight gain is associated with heavy smokers which is a pack or more of cigarettes per day.
The weight gain is the largest contributing factor as to "WHY" women resume smoking again after they have successfully quit for several months.
It is also true that women generally resume smoking more often than men.
Why do women gain weight when they quit smoking? The reason is fairly simple.
Cigarettes have a slightly increased metabolism associated with smoking.
That increase in a heavy smoking can actually burn up to 200 calories a day.
That means that you will actually need to take in less calories or step up your exercise program to just maintain your weight.
In many cases you will eat more when you quit smoking.
This is a natural response to the hand to mouth cessation that you have developed from years of smoking.
Don't forget that cigarettes are actually a natural weight suppressant.
When you quit smoking, your brain will kick in the hunger feeling when you deny your system the nicotine from cigarettes.
Check out the healthy food This is the point at which food replaces the cigarettes.
STOP! The simple replacement should be a glass of water although this will not satisfy the comfort you are looking for from sitting down and having a cigarette.
BEWARE! Women are much more likely than men to pick up the smoking habit again.
Awareness of what to expect will arm and assist you in achieving your goal.
Keep your goal at the forefront of your mind to successfully quit smoking and not gain weight.
You can minimize your weight gain by executing a daily plan.
Keep plenty of low fat snacks in a cabinet in your kitchen Exercise Daily (even if its just a few minutes) Drink water and plenty of it Herbal Teas can be very satisfying Minimize Alcohol intake (it's calories too and will impair your judgment regarding the goal) Take baby steps and reward yourself for each step.
Make sure that you choose non-food items and something you enjoy that you would not normally indulge yourself with.
As long as you are prepared and educated on what to expect from quitting smoking, you will be successful.
Your decision to quit smoking is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
Now that you aware that the weight gain is not a necessary element from putting down you cigarettes you can move forward towards your goal.
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