OK, so you've come to a point in your job where you're saying (if only in your mind) - "That's it! I've had it! I'm outta here!" What is the right motivation to make the jump from employee to entrepreneur? This article aims to raise some key questions to assist you to make the right decision for the most important person in your life - YOU! Why? Why would anyone want to start their own business? The reasons why not to are all there for anyone to see - just doing an internet search on 'why businesses fail' and you'll find 50,000+ reasons to be concerned.
And yet...
people are still doing it.
  So why? This is where you get to begin the process of being in control of your life.
You get the chance to ask yourself the questions and be able to answer them in the complete privacy of your mind.
Questions to help identify the "Why":
you've decided that starting a business is not for you.
Or you've made a decision just to change jobs.
Or you've decided that you really do like your job.
Good for you! Entrepreneurship is not for everyone.
You've decided that doing what you are currently doing will not get you to where you want to go.
You've decided that you want more.
You've decided that you're willing to find out for yourself.
Good for you! You have now taken one of the most critical steps in making your break for freedom.
And yet...
people are still doing it.
  So why? This is where you get to begin the process of being in control of your life.
You get the chance to ask yourself the questions and be able to answer them in the complete privacy of your mind.
Questions to help identify the "Why":
- Why do I want to break free? (Is it because you hate your boss, job, Mondays?)
- How do I feel about my current job, home, car, relationships, etc? (Is this the life you pictured for yourself?)
- Do I want more than that?
- If so, what do I want to achieve in the next 6 months, year, 3 years, etc?
- Will doing what I am currently doing allow me to achieve these things?
- Am I prepared to 'do what it takes' to make a business succeed?
- Am I willing to invest in my business? (Every legitimate business, no matter how small requires some form of investment, both time and money.
) - If I need to learn new skills, ideas, etc to succeed - am I willing to do it?
you've decided that starting a business is not for you.
Or you've made a decision just to change jobs.
Or you've decided that you really do like your job.
Good for you! Entrepreneurship is not for everyone.
You've decided that doing what you are currently doing will not get you to where you want to go.
You've decided that you want more.
You've decided that you're willing to find out for yourself.
Good for you! You have now taken one of the most critical steps in making your break for freedom.