Health & Medical Acne

Thinking How To Tighten Loose Skin After Weight Loss Than Consider Right Procedures

Loose skin is a common problem with many people who try to lose weight, lose skin appears after child birth, the most common reason being aging. It is way easy to lose weight but it is not easy to tighten the loose skin. Our skin is an organ and it has amazing properties to stretch and come back in similar shape. But loose skin because of high weight loss requires lot of effort to come back in shape.
One way to tighten the loose skin is appropriate surgery, like tummy tuck for loose skin on the stomach, face lift for facial loose skin etc. But certainly you must be thinking how to tighten loose skin? There are various effective non-surgical ways to tighten skin. When one tries to lose weight, the body releases lot of toxins through the pores in the skin and in turn harms the skin a lot causing it to sag and become loose. In this situation high intake of antioxidants helps a lot, helping in reducing these toxins. Fresh fruits and green vegetables are a good source of antioxidants. Collagen is one chemical found in skin which is responsible for increasing the elasticity of your skin, diet which helps in producing collagen are very good for skin tightening. Soya proteins come on top for the production of collagen in skin. So you can include soya milk or soya beans in your daily diet. Along with this your daily meals should contain food items which are a good source of vitamins and minerals but low in sugar levels. Dont forget to make fatty acids and vitamin E as the essential part of your diet; their good sources are oily fish, olives, avocados, nuts and seeds. Vitamin E helps in reducing free radicals and helps in repair of skin damage. Many beauty products use Vitamin E as the part of beauty products as it has property to make skin youthful and supple.

After weight loss it is very important that toning exercises should be followed strictly, as after losing good amount of weight muscles become loose and create saggy skin. Toning exercises results in production of mass in muscles and comes in form of lean muscles. This helps saggy skin to become firm and toned especially in the abdominal area and under the arms.

Make sure that your skin is always hydrated and well moisturized, for that drink plenty of water, it keeps skin hydrated and helps in removing toxins from the body. Include lot of fruit juices and vegetable soups in your daily diet. Completely avoid carbonated drinks, tea coffee as these drinks dehydrates your body makes skin look old and lose. If you are in habit of taking tea or coffee than replace it with herbal tea which is good for health and you can satisfy your craving for tea in the mornings and evenings, as per medical science on a daily basis two liters of water should be consumed to maintain good health.
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