Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How Can You Negotiate A Salary Increase?

As a career counselor, retention advocate, guidance professional, and HR specialist who has hired or placed 1,340+ professionals, I'm keen on assisting professionals find the best compensation possible.
Because I work with companies, there is no intention to bankrupt a company.
My intention is going to revolve around a "fair wage.
" Normally, individuals on an employment contract are one-on-one conversations.
The largest groups of individuals asking questions fall into three categories: College Graduate.
If you are a recent college grad, go to career services and see what salaries are being offered for graduates in your field of study.
The amounts shown are somewhat cut-and-dried at this stage in your job search.
Two / Three Year Experience.
This is a little more tricky, but very doable.
You still may want to inquire at career services from your university to see what salaries graduates in your field of study are receiving today.
If there's been an increase and if your performance has been above expectations, use this "specific fact" to justify your salary negotiations.
When you have the evidence, the case is easier to justify.
Four / Five Year Experience.
Now this is more difficult.
We lived through difficult economic times.
Blah, blah.
And jobs have been difficult to have and to hold.
Blah, blah, blah.
If your work effort has been significant, if you have delivered projects on time (or earlier), within budget (or improved), and your performance ratings have been significant, all the information and memos / emails / notes / letters of recommendation and cliff notes you made with days / times praising your great work must be shown to your manager.
This is crunch time for you and crunch time for the company.
Outstanding performance with supporting documentation and performance reviews go a long way in providing factual information to do one of two things: First, if you seek a career step / promotion and have the documentation to show you have the qualifications, your manager should have come to you with the news of a promotion, not you going to him/her.
In today's environment, the annual increase of 3% just doesn't do it.
The corporate Human Resources people sometimes call this "broad-banding" with the result of flattened job titles and a defined salary range.
In order to receive a decent salary increase, you probably need to be promoted.
Next is more severe.
If you get no action from your manager, very quietly begin exploring the job market.
Do not trust anyone with the fact you are looking, just quietly begin a search for a new job.
We live in a free market, and unless you are under contract, we live in an "at-will" employment situation.
That is, you can leave the company or the company can dismiss you.
It's at-will.
See what comparable positions are paying.
You may need to phone a target company or find a staffing firm you trust.
But get good input to make a decision.
Check out the obvious sites and inquire with your specifics.
This move is up to you and can be a means to boost your income, find a better atmosphere to work and begin earning a decent wage.
You need to do your homework on what positions are paying in your specific area of expertise.
Then the next step is up to you.
If you need further discussion or have a question on how to prepare for an increased salary, please call (248) 630 - 5555 or visit www.
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