Health & Medical Medicine

The Role of Discipline in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is never just about building muscle mass or looking good. Those are superficial features of individual bodybuilders and do not reflect the more serious dimensions of bodybuilding. This has evolved so much since its first inception in the past few decades that it's already difficult to trace just who contributed what.

In any case, discipline remains one of the more important aspects that we should never let go of. In the final analysis, bodybuilding at all would not be possible if we don't have our own forms of discipline when we finally execute those moves, our physically-taxing regimens and our strict diet plans.

Mental discipline

Having mental discipline means having complete control of your psyche, especially your way of thinking. Bodybuilding is all about shattering pre-conceived boundaries, or what many would call ten lifetimes of really bad habits. Let's face it- bodybuilding in itself is not natural. It is natural in the biological sense, but we are actually forcing the body to assume the form and shape of something that has not existed before.

This is why we need mental discipline. Pain and soreness, these should be considered as minor consequences of a well formed and rigorous workout plan. You must strike while the iron is hot- if you feel a rush coming in, give the work out all you have got.

And it is never enough to simply do the workouts, you must be there, in mind, in body and most especially in heart to get the best results. If you are doing the workouts grudgingly, half-heartedly, then you have no place in the bodybuilding world, or in the discipline. You still might get results, but these would be inferior as compared to the results of people who have given their all to control how their bodies look and perform.

General self-discipline

To achieve a measure of success in only a short period of time, we must harness the inner voice that tells us and forces us to go further and further. That inner voice is your pure self, telling you to go beyond the boundaries of ordinariness. Bodybuilding is not about limitation. Bodybuilding is about safety, health and creating new boundaries.

You must practice positive thinking as well. Positive thinking will allow you to smile through even the most difficult phases of your training, and would boost the general response of the body in relation to the array of stimuli you are introducing.

How does one completely harness the inner voice to serve the purpose of effective training? You simply have to make the inner voice believe that every part of your workout would simply be superb, and that you would be enjoying every second of it.

You will immediately feel something different once the inner voice kicks in. You will feel more alive, more energetic and most importantly, more determined to succeed. Not everyone has been blessed with an inborn mean physique- this is the reason why 90% of all new bodybuilders have to give extra effort to make themselves feel more victorious after a day's hard work.
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