Home & Garden Gardening

A Well Placed Bird Bath Attracts A Variety Of Birds

Putting a bird bath in your yard will attract birds of all types of birds to your home and provide them with fresh water.
Watching the birds drink and splash while they bathe is a relaxing pastime for many people.
Deciding where you want to put the bird bath before you buy one will make it easier to shop for it.
There are a lot of different styles to choose from and each style is suited to particular placement around your home.
When considering where to put your new bird bath remember that bird droppings can be unhealthy and unsightly.
If you don't have a yard or want your birdbath off of the ground there are models made to attach to a deck rail with a clamp.
This placement is very convenient for cleaning and filling.
When a birdbath is close to the house and off the ground it will attract smaller birds.
Hummingbirds and other small birds prefer this type of birdbath or feeder because of the safety it offers.
Hanging your birdbath from trees might not be so convenient.
You will need to hang it within easy reach so you can refill the water, and it may get dirty much quicker with insects and debris from the tree.
Robins and woodpeckers would appreciate this type of birdfeeder.
In a small garden area a birdbath attracts the birds and insects needed to help cultivate the crop.
Water fountains doubled as a bird bath are nice additions to a backyard garden.
The sound of running water is relaxing and helps attract a variety of birds.
Large backyard water fountains also add a decorative touch to your home.
Although putting the bath under trees to provide shade will be appreciated, you would have a couple of issues to deal with.
Falling leaves and debris from the tree means frequent cleanings and you may not be able to watch the birds come and go.
Putting a birdbath in an open area of the yard can add a decorative touch to your home.
This location will also draw the larger birds and you will have easy access to clean and refill the water.
It might be inconvenient to cut the grass around it but you will be able to see the birds better.
The main reason you would buy a birdbath for your home is to attract birds.
The style of bath and where you decide to place it is a personal matter.
It may take a little time for the birds to discover it is there but they will find it.
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