- Colloidal gold was a known cure in the 1800s for alcohol dependency and is used today to reduce cravings for caffeine, nicotine and carbohydrates. Abraham, McReynolds, and Dill demonstrated gold's use as an agent for change in a 2001 study on "Colloidal Metallic Gold on Cognitive Functions." Participants showed improved mental functioning and emotional attitudes. Its effect on the brain's neurotransmitters is used to treat unbalanced states of depression, sorrow, fear, suicidal tendencies and seasonal affective disorder by increasing energy and libido.
- Colloidal gold boosts and balances the neural system by opening pathways that help to regulate the heart's rhythm, relieve stress, and aid in blood pressure control. Its immune system support helps the body fight disease and promote vitality. As an aid to balancing body temperature, colloidal gold helps regulate warmth in those with chronic chills, night sweats and hot flashes. In a 1935 medical periodical, Dr. Edward H. Ochsner published an article on "Colloidal Gold in Inoperable Cancer" stating that the substance prolongs the life of terminal patients by reducing pain and malnutrition in the majority of cases.
- Colloidal silver kills bacteria and viruses without resistance or immunity by destroying the enzymes responsible for cellular respiration. Taking small amounts of silver on a regular basis boosts the immune system against microorganisms and parasites. In their book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," Dr. James F. and Phyllis A. Balch write "this is an alternative to antibiotic treatments and germicides, known to be effective against more than 650 known germs and viruses including E. coli bacteria and candida albicans."
- Colloidal silver's super fine structure allows it to heal and protect tissue. It is a known cure for pink eye, and kills infection in the ears, nose and sinuses. Balch and Balch write in their book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" that colloidal silver can be used topically to fight fungal infections and heal burns, wounds, cuts and rashes. One teaspoon applied to the skin helps to reduce acne; skin ulcers have been cured with its application and subsequent regeneration of sickly tissue. Flu and cold sufferers can reach for the liquid silver to alleviate sore throats, and kill intestinal bacteria.
Healing Chemical Dependencies
Soothing the Nerves
Health Treatments
Silver Remedies