I just had to find the best free spyware detector, and quickly! You probably recognise the story? One minute my computer seemed to be working fine and the next I no longer seemed to be in control.
Perhaps it was just me and I hadn't recognised a gradual deterioration over time? My computer just seemed to be incredibly sluggish.
On closer inspection I noticed a new toolbar on my web browser.
How had I not noticed that before? Anyway, I set about changing my browser settings to get rid of it, but every time I restarted the browser or rebooted there it still was as bold as brass.
That's when I suspected spyware and began my search for a spyware removal tool.
And yes, at best I was looking for a free spyware detector because I'm a cheapskate OK! A search on Google came up with loads of results, but the last thing I wanted to do was set off installing many different free spyware removal programs in the hope of finding one that I liked.
I just wasn't sure what to do until my wife suggested I go for something that a lot of other people were recommending.
So I refined my search to look for the best recommended free spyware detector and I was a little surprised by what I found.
Well perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised, because as you know in the grand scheme of things one of the laws of the universe is "you get what you pay for".
Most recommendations seemed to be leading me towards paid spyware removal tools.
Don't they understand, I'm the king cheapskate and I want 'free'? The problem with spyware is that like computer viruses it's constantly evolving.
So unless you have a spyware detector with a constantly updated database it's going to be about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
If you want up-to-date software you have to pay for it.
Aargh! But I didn't want to pay! I just wanted to get my computer back to normal, quickly, with no fuss, and at nil cost, get it? That was when I had a brain wave, a sheer stroke of genius.
I realised I could get the best of both worlds; a top notch paid program without legitimately having to pay for it.
Well not to begin with anyway.
Yes, I'm sure you've guessed already because you're clearly as smart as me.
I was saved by the 30 day free trial.
I downloaded and installed a cracking spyware detector for free that did the business on my computer, which is now purring along like a contented kitten.
I liked the program so much I bought the company! Well not exactly, but I did eventually pay for it at the end of the trial period.
I know I said I was a cheapskate, but did I also tell you I was incredibly lazy too?
Perhaps it was just me and I hadn't recognised a gradual deterioration over time? My computer just seemed to be incredibly sluggish.
On closer inspection I noticed a new toolbar on my web browser.
How had I not noticed that before? Anyway, I set about changing my browser settings to get rid of it, but every time I restarted the browser or rebooted there it still was as bold as brass.
That's when I suspected spyware and began my search for a spyware removal tool.
And yes, at best I was looking for a free spyware detector because I'm a cheapskate OK! A search on Google came up with loads of results, but the last thing I wanted to do was set off installing many different free spyware removal programs in the hope of finding one that I liked.
I just wasn't sure what to do until my wife suggested I go for something that a lot of other people were recommending.
So I refined my search to look for the best recommended free spyware detector and I was a little surprised by what I found.
Well perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised, because as you know in the grand scheme of things one of the laws of the universe is "you get what you pay for".
Most recommendations seemed to be leading me towards paid spyware removal tools.
Don't they understand, I'm the king cheapskate and I want 'free'? The problem with spyware is that like computer viruses it's constantly evolving.
So unless you have a spyware detector with a constantly updated database it's going to be about as much use as a chocolate fireguard.
If you want up-to-date software you have to pay for it.
Aargh! But I didn't want to pay! I just wanted to get my computer back to normal, quickly, with no fuss, and at nil cost, get it? That was when I had a brain wave, a sheer stroke of genius.
I realised I could get the best of both worlds; a top notch paid program without legitimately having to pay for it.
Well not to begin with anyway.
Yes, I'm sure you've guessed already because you're clearly as smart as me.
I was saved by the 30 day free trial.
I downloaded and installed a cracking spyware detector for free that did the business on my computer, which is now purring along like a contented kitten.
I liked the program so much I bought the company! Well not exactly, but I did eventually pay for it at the end of the trial period.
I know I said I was a cheapskate, but did I also tell you I was incredibly lazy too?