Health & Medical Acne

Adult Acne Cures – 7 Things To Avoid When Treating Adult Acne

If you are searching for adult acne cures it is vitally important that you do everything necessary not to diminish the effects of the cure by weakening the healing capabilities of your skin. It is to your advantage to work with your skin to allow an enhanced healing process to take place. In saying this there are certain things you should definitely avoid so you can prevent your skin from looking bad and your acne getting worse.

1. Picking your skin

Regardless of how tempting it is you should never pick or squeeze your spots. You are more likely to make things worse by aggravating the existing inflammation and spreading the puss deeper and wider into the skin. There are right and wrong ways to deal with blackheads and whiteheads but generally they are better left to professionals.

2. Smoking

Apart from all the usual reasons to give up smoking such as cancer, heart disease etc smoking can be very harmful to the skin. It causes the small blood vessels in the skin to contract thus starving them of oxygen and making it more difficult to create healthy cells.

3. Taking too much vitamin A

Vitamin A in small doses through green fruit and vegetables is very good for your skin but over doing it can be hazardous for your general health and can do damage to your liver.

4. Using over the counter medications to treat rosacea

As you probably do not need to be told you should always talk to a dermatologist regarding rosacea and it is a very bad idea to self prescribe and creams or ointments which could serve to make matters worse.

5. Using topical steroids

Over the counter cortisone based creams can in the long run make your acne worse. These are sometimes advertised as adult acne cures but essentially they only treat the external symptoms of acne and do not treat the root cause of the condition. It is not uncommon for your acne to disappear for a period of time and come back worse than original.

6. Taking antibiotics

Constant use of antibiotics, like topical steroids, will only result in making the situation worse and damaging your health in the process. Antibiotics destroy all the bacteria in the body regardless of whether it is good or bad bacteria and this can have a detrimental effect on your skin by damaging your liver which is most important in your skins healing process.

7. Shaving with 4 in 1 razor blades

Always use a single blade when you've got acne as 3 and 4 in 1 razor blades shave too close and irritate the skin, not to mention damage it.
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