ADHD girls can fly under the radar for years without being diagnosed.
While this is not as common as it used to be it still happens with troubling regularity, often leading to serious long term problems with academics, self esteem, relationships, and emotions.
ADHD girls are less apt to exhibit the over the top hyperactivity that is the squeaky wheel that gets the oil of diagnosis in boys.
They also may not display behavioral problems and their condition may not fit the A typical stereotype so often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
But it is also important for parents and teachers alike to recognize that hyperactivity is not the primary symptoms needed for a diagnosis, it is inattention/distractibility.
Let's try to bring this to life in a schoolroom setting.
Little Sara is a C minus student sitting toward the back of the class just Mrs.
Smiths math class.
The class has about 25 students with one being ADHD Johnny who is constantly giving Mrs.
Smith fits.
Johnny is causing his daily distraction as sweet Sara stares out the widow thinking about those beautiful butterflies and wondering what they are going to do this winter.
Her daydreaming comes to an abrupt end when Mrs.
Smith unexpectedly calls on her to read question number eight on yesterdays study sheet.
Sara gives Mrs.
Smith a big smile and softly admits "I'm so sorry, I must have misplaced it or left it at home".
The teacher is taken with her honesty and soft demeanor and hands her an extra copy to read.
Sara reads the math problem well and after class apologizes for her misdeed.
Smith later tells a friend that she only wishes all student could be as honest and pleasant as Sara.
ADHD girls like Sara who exhibit inattention/distractibility without the in your face hyperactivity or impulsivity are the most likely to fall through the cracks when it comes to identifying or even suspecting ADHD as a cause.
These children try hard to conform to teacher and parent expectations while typically underachieving (though not always) academically.
They also aren't classified as troublemakers.
Instead of being overactive they may in fact be somewhat underactive.
They may tend to overanalyze things making it challenging to get started on projects or assignments.
ADHD girls that fall into this somewhat passive category tend to be shy and can only focus on one thing at a time.
ADHD girls who have this stealthy type of ADHD are often hard to spot, continually drifting along from one school year to another never living up to their potential.
Nevertheless, one sign that is always present is that of disorganization.
It is important to point out that not all ADHD girls are so passive.
Many do exhibit hyperactive behaviors that are expressed differently from their male counterparts such as excessive silliness, emotional behavior, and excessive talking.
What Next? For those parent of ADHD girls finding the right treatment option should be one of your main priorities.
The most common form of treatment for ADHD girls is the stimulant medication Ritalin.
While effective all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings.
The risk of side effects or perhaps lack of success with stimulants has prompted many parents to investigate other options.
A couple examples of this are behavior modification therapy and/or homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other nonprescription alternatives.
While this is not as common as it used to be it still happens with troubling regularity, often leading to serious long term problems with academics, self esteem, relationships, and emotions.
ADHD girls are less apt to exhibit the over the top hyperactivity that is the squeaky wheel that gets the oil of diagnosis in boys.
They also may not display behavioral problems and their condition may not fit the A typical stereotype so often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
But it is also important for parents and teachers alike to recognize that hyperactivity is not the primary symptoms needed for a diagnosis, it is inattention/distractibility.
Let's try to bring this to life in a schoolroom setting.
Little Sara is a C minus student sitting toward the back of the class just Mrs.
Smiths math class.
The class has about 25 students with one being ADHD Johnny who is constantly giving Mrs.
Smith fits.
Johnny is causing his daily distraction as sweet Sara stares out the widow thinking about those beautiful butterflies and wondering what they are going to do this winter.
Her daydreaming comes to an abrupt end when Mrs.
Smith unexpectedly calls on her to read question number eight on yesterdays study sheet.
Sara gives Mrs.
Smith a big smile and softly admits "I'm so sorry, I must have misplaced it or left it at home".
The teacher is taken with her honesty and soft demeanor and hands her an extra copy to read.
Sara reads the math problem well and after class apologizes for her misdeed.
Smith later tells a friend that she only wishes all student could be as honest and pleasant as Sara.
ADHD girls like Sara who exhibit inattention/distractibility without the in your face hyperactivity or impulsivity are the most likely to fall through the cracks when it comes to identifying or even suspecting ADHD as a cause.
These children try hard to conform to teacher and parent expectations while typically underachieving (though not always) academically.
They also aren't classified as troublemakers.
Instead of being overactive they may in fact be somewhat underactive.
They may tend to overanalyze things making it challenging to get started on projects or assignments.
ADHD girls that fall into this somewhat passive category tend to be shy and can only focus on one thing at a time.
ADHD girls who have this stealthy type of ADHD are often hard to spot, continually drifting along from one school year to another never living up to their potential.
Nevertheless, one sign that is always present is that of disorganization.
It is important to point out that not all ADHD girls are so passive.
Many do exhibit hyperactive behaviors that are expressed differently from their male counterparts such as excessive silliness, emotional behavior, and excessive talking.
What Next? For those parent of ADHD girls finding the right treatment option should be one of your main priorities.
The most common form of treatment for ADHD girls is the stimulant medication Ritalin.
While effective all stimulant medications come with a number of serious label warnings.
The risk of side effects or perhaps lack of success with stimulants has prompted many parents to investigate other options.
A couple examples of this are behavior modification therapy and/or homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are a side effect free way to address such problematic symptoms as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, erratic behavior and hyperactivity and can be used both as a standalone treatment or as a compliment to other nonprescription alternatives.