Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Why Half Of San Diego Seo Campaigns Fail

Although there are no studies that can accurately account for the failure and success rate of San Diego or California SEO campaigns, industry estimates show that 50% is a conservative number as far as unoptimized websites are concerned. The number of failed campaigns actually hovers around 70% as some of the sites disappeared together and still others changed owners while a handful are still doing quite well.

Dont ignore this element

With most SEO campaigns that failed, you can trace the reason back to the website. Well, you may have compared your website with 10 others and feel that you have the most attractive site with all the tricks and gimmicks that would render your customers wide-eye with awe. Heres the problem: you are forgetting the search engines. Search engine optimization and web design are not mutually exclusive. That was true five years ago when you can hire a website designer and then hire another SEO expert to optimize your content. Now, you can hire San Diego web design firm with a background in SEO as well.

You dont make money out of search engines, right?

Technically no, search engines dont buy your products and services. But they do assume an important functionthey help link you up with your customers. Even if most people know about your brand (Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Microsoft, etc.), doesnt mean that you will automatically rank well in search engines. Theres a huge different between name recall or conversion rate in traditional advertising and online marketing. If the search engines like Google, MSN, Yahoo or Bing cant find your website, they have no way of indexing it and storing it to their databases. For example, if a potential customer looks for soda in San Francisco and Coca-Cola is not optimizing its site and Pepsi hired a San Francisco web design firm, which of those two do you think will come out first?

If at first you dont succeed

Now you may have hired a web designer before but your site is still not ranking well. You dont just stop and chalk it up to bad experience. What you need to do, however, is to outsource your SEO campaign and website design to another California SEO firm. With the right provider, you will not only leave a lasting impression on your visitors through the use of Flash, videos, drop down menus and other interactive tools, but also put up guide maps so search engines can easily find your website.
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