Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

"Nasopharyngeal" Cancer and Its Symptoms and Treatments

Have you heard of 'nasopharyngeal' cancer? If you have not, then you are left out.
It is basically the cancer of the tubing for our breath and food.
It is closely positioned at the throat as well.
What are the warning signs of this cancer? You should really know them by heart if you read this.
Every one should.
These and other symptoms may be caused by 'nasopharynx' cancer.
Other conditions may cause the same symptoms.
Some of the early symptoms
- bleeding nose - hearing problems (ringing and tingling) - blocked nose 2.
As the disease progresses, symptoms may include these
- hearing loss - numbness in the face - difficulty in swallowing - breathing difficulties caused by blocked nose - double vision Treatments for 'nasopharyngeal' cancer include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery.
Chemotherapy is combined with radiotherapy for the advanced stages (stage 3 and 4) cancer.
It is used when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
Surgery is reserved for recurrent cancer when the patient has failed radiotherapy treatment.
Therefore, these warning signs discussed should never be taken lightly.
Seek medical attention immediately for even the slightest suspect.
Reducing risks of contracting such a deadly cancer can be done in a few ways.
One of them is to find alternatives to preserved foods.
This can be challenging but it is always healthier to eat whole fresh foods for more nutrition and less carcinogens.
We should all start removing preserved foods from our diet as soon as we can.
There is a danger in the food we eat everyday.
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