- Girls love getting their nails polished.Nail polish image by Alexandra Stukkey from Fotolia.com
Spa treatments are no longer reserved for the adult female. Spas catering specifically to girls younger than 18 are becoming increasingly common. Girls as young as six can get their hair blown out, their nails manicured and their bodies moisturized. In addition to lighter treatments, more invasive ones, such as chemical peels and waxes, are available at some spas. - Girls can have both manicures and pedicures, ranging from simple buffing and filing to ones including fragrant skin scrubs and extravagant nail art. A Girls Gotta Spa located in Pathogue, New York, also offers French manicures and pedicures for an additional $5. The kids' hair salon Snip-its offers manicures with colors and nail designs that enhances a girl's personality.
- Girls can get skin treatments ranging from a simple mini-facial lasting only 10 minutes to longer ones designed for teenagers with acne to invasive chemical treatments and microdermabrasion. Chocolate masks, cucumber slices for the eyes and strawberry facial scrubs are popular parts of facials. New York spa Sothy's offers seasonal facials, one of which is a coconut and lemon facial, according to ABC News. Skin care education sometimes follow the longer, more complex facials.
- In addition to haircuts and highlights, girls can have their hair braided or wrapped in colorful embroidery floss with beads and charms at the bottom. They can have their hair shampooed and styled in several ways, including French twists with curls, cornrows braids, French braids, basket weaves, customized up-dos and dance recital chignons.
- Many spas offer makeup applications for girls. A Girls Gotta Spa offers two types: Express makeup, which includes two eye shadows, lip and eye makeup, and Eye Candy, which includes glitter makeup, lip gloss and blush. Snip-its offers similar services, but the girl gets to keep her palette of shadow, blusher, liner and gloss after the makeup is applied.
- Some spas offer waxing and massages. Prices for all treatments are typically lower than those for adult treatments.
Skin Treatments