- Because Lactaid is milk the nutritional facts are similar. There are approximately eight grams of protein per cup in both products, but milk has 0.8 more grams of carbohydrate. Lactaid has approximately 14 more calories than whole milk, which has approximately 146 calories per cup. Both products have about eight grams of fat per cup and the listed ingredients for Lactaid are milk, lactase enzyme and vitamin D3 -- with the enzyme being the only ingredient not in regular milk.
- Lactaid is ultra-pasteurized which allows it to last longer than regular milk with proper refrigeration. The process of ultra-pasteurization has no effect on taste or nutritional value, but Lactaid, like milk, should be consumed within one week after it's opened.
- Lactaid contains no added sugar but may taste slightly sweeter because the lactose has been broken down into two sugars to make it easier to digest.
- Lactaid, available in the dairy section of most supermarkets, can be used as a regular milk substitute for everything from baking to milkshakes. It may be used by anyone who suffers an intolerance to lactose. Pregnant or nursing women should consult a doctor regarding all dietary choices, including consumption of milk or Lactaid and other dairy products.
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