Treatment for acne includes many procedures and convenient methods which are followed according to an individual's interest.
But it is noticed in a few cases where tablets, ointments and natural remedy left no improvement over the suffering of acne.
Although treatment which is successful for one can not be followed for the other as intensity of disease differ among individuals.
Those who left with no results by using ointments and pills along with natural remedy are suggested to go for laser acne treatment.
Laser Acne treatment: Though laser treatment has been in existence for quite some time, it is only recently with advances in new acne laser technology that people show more interest over the treatment process.
Results of laser treatment are very high when compared to medical prescription results.
In laser acne treatment, the dermatologist passes a beam of laser rays over the affected skin to remove the dead cells of skin which results in resurfacing of skin by allowing development of new skin cells.
Laser also helps in reducing secretion of sebum from sebaceous gland as well as removes the scars and mars caused due to blemishes.
Side effects: Individuals undergoing laser treatment experience no pain in the treatment process but after that, they may be 10 days of skin redness around the affected area.
Some patients may also experienced swelling of the skin.
Patients with darker skin tone are not showing any desirable results as this alters their pigmentation.
An experienced dermatologist practicing laser treatments for many years knows how to handle these side effects for effective treatment of individuals.
Cost of laser acne treatment Cost of treatment differs depending on the severity and the type of laser treatment you choose.
On rough estimate we can suggest $2000-$3000 of spending towards treatment is necessary.
Number of sessions for treatment is varied with severity of disease in individuals where results of treatment also varies form each individual to the other based on their intensity of suffering.
But it is noticed in a few cases where tablets, ointments and natural remedy left no improvement over the suffering of acne.
Although treatment which is successful for one can not be followed for the other as intensity of disease differ among individuals.
Those who left with no results by using ointments and pills along with natural remedy are suggested to go for laser acne treatment.
Laser Acne treatment: Though laser treatment has been in existence for quite some time, it is only recently with advances in new acne laser technology that people show more interest over the treatment process.
Results of laser treatment are very high when compared to medical prescription results.
In laser acne treatment, the dermatologist passes a beam of laser rays over the affected skin to remove the dead cells of skin which results in resurfacing of skin by allowing development of new skin cells.
Laser also helps in reducing secretion of sebum from sebaceous gland as well as removes the scars and mars caused due to blemishes.
Side effects: Individuals undergoing laser treatment experience no pain in the treatment process but after that, they may be 10 days of skin redness around the affected area.
Some patients may also experienced swelling of the skin.
Patients with darker skin tone are not showing any desirable results as this alters their pigmentation.
An experienced dermatologist practicing laser treatments for many years knows how to handle these side effects for effective treatment of individuals.
Cost of laser acne treatment Cost of treatment differs depending on the severity and the type of laser treatment you choose.
On rough estimate we can suggest $2000-$3000 of spending towards treatment is necessary.
Number of sessions for treatment is varied with severity of disease in individuals where results of treatment also varies form each individual to the other based on their intensity of suffering.