Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Ottawa Injury Lawyer David Hollingsworth - Distracted Driving is leading cause of car accidents

Ottawa Injury Lawyer David Hollingsworth - The gift of the gab could lead to serious car accidents and personal injuries.   Distracted Driving is leading cause of car accidents.

Ontario's ban on the use of hand-held devices went into effect on October 26, 2009. Despite this new law, many drivers are continuing to talk and text while driving. As an Ottawa Injury Lawyer, I find this very disturbing. It is illegal for Ontario drivers to talk, text, type, dial or e-mail using hand-held cell phones, blackberrys, i-phones or any other hand-held device. The use of hands-free devices is still permitted in Ontario.

Ottawa Injury Lawyer sums it all up…Studies show that drivers using a cell phone are much more likely to be involved in a car accident. Other studies also show that dialing and texting carries the highest risk of all cell phone-related activities.
  • Under Ontario law, fines of up to $500 can be issued to distracted drivers who text, type, email, dial, or chat using a prohibited hand-held device.
  • Ontario is amongst more than 50 countries worldwide.
  •  Teens and young people under 35 are the most frequent users of cell phones while driving.

Ottawa Injury Lawyer warns... Be Advised !
No matter how experienced of a driver you are; talking on a cell phone makes you lose focus on your surroundings and makes you a danger to yourself, your passengers and others.  As an Ottawa injury lawyer, I hear too often about accidents that are a direct result of distracted driving.

DID YOU KNOW….Take advice from an Ottawa injury lawyer, talking on cell phones while driving is a leading cause of car accidents?

As an Ottawa injury lawyer, I meet daily with Ontario accident victims and their families and I can honestly say that distracted driving can be eliminated. This is a choice you make.  You MUST make the right choice for yourself, your family and for other Ontario drivers.  Please, make the right choice and use a hands-free device, pull over or simply wait. Any Ottawa injury lawyer will tell you, a serious car accident can be life-altering.

David Hollingsworth, Ottawa Injury Lawyers, Ottawa Law Firm
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