- 1). Wash and dry your hands.
- 2). Shake the bottle to correct any settling of its contents. Read the instructions, particularly regarding how many drops you will need and how often you should use the drops.
- 3). Remove the dropper from the bottle if needed. Turn your head sideways over a sink with your left ear upward.
- 4). Squeeze the dropper very gently to release the appropriate number of drops into your ear. Wipe any residual drops or moisture from your earlobe with a tissue.
- 5). Remain with your head sideways for the amount of time the bottle suggests. In general, two to five minutes is an appropriate waiting period.
- 6). Press a clean tissue gently against your ear and turn your head to the other side. Wait for any excess moisture to run out of your ear. Dispose of the tissue and repeat steps 3 through 5 for your right ear.