Did you know that there are several important things that you must include on your own web pages on your website in order to make sure that people will click on it when they see it in the major search engines? The way that you format your own website has a big impact on the way it shows up in the search engine listings, and if you are serious about getting as many website visitors to your website as possible then you will want to optimize the way that your site is displayed in the search engines.
If you type any random keyword into the search engine then you will see that every website that is listed has three major components that make up the search engine listing. The first is the title which shows up as a clickable headline, the second is the description which can be up to two lines long, and the third is the actual URL where the web page is located. If you can format the pages on your website or blog so that the search engine listing is compelling and professional looking, this can increase the search engine traffic to your website because it will make readers more likely to click on your website versus any other listing.
The most important part of any website's search engine listing is the title, which is determined by the title tag on your web page. When you add the title to your page it should be something that is short and compelling, which would make a reader interested or curious to find out more. The description in your search engine listing is usually determined by the contents of the meta description tag, however depending on which keyword is searched in order to find your web page it can also be an excerpt from the article on the page.
The third part of the search engine listing is the URL, and the way that you can improve this to make people more likely to click on it is to add keywords to the URL while keeping it short enough that it will not be cut off by the limit on the number of characters. With these three factors in mind, the best way that you can make more people click on your website's search engine listing is to create a short and compelling title for the page that make the reader want to know more, add a two line description that is approximately 160 characters, and create a custom URL with a keyword related to the web page. If you can follow these tips then your search engine listing will have an advantage over your competitors, and your custom listing will be more compelling for a reader to click on.
Copyright (c) 2012 RickyWeber.com
If you type any random keyword into the search engine then you will see that every website that is listed has three major components that make up the search engine listing. The first is the title which shows up as a clickable headline, the second is the description which can be up to two lines long, and the third is the actual URL where the web page is located. If you can format the pages on your website or blog so that the search engine listing is compelling and professional looking, this can increase the search engine traffic to your website because it will make readers more likely to click on your website versus any other listing.
The most important part of any website's search engine listing is the title, which is determined by the title tag on your web page. When you add the title to your page it should be something that is short and compelling, which would make a reader interested or curious to find out more. The description in your search engine listing is usually determined by the contents of the meta description tag, however depending on which keyword is searched in order to find your web page it can also be an excerpt from the article on the page.
The third part of the search engine listing is the URL, and the way that you can improve this to make people more likely to click on it is to add keywords to the URL while keeping it short enough that it will not be cut off by the limit on the number of characters. With these three factors in mind, the best way that you can make more people click on your website's search engine listing is to create a short and compelling title for the page that make the reader want to know more, add a two line description that is approximately 160 characters, and create a custom URL with a keyword related to the web page. If you can follow these tips then your search engine listing will have an advantage over your competitors, and your custom listing will be more compelling for a reader to click on.
Copyright (c) 2012 RickyWeber.com