Health & Medical Parenting

Help Children with ADHD and ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder affects each individual differently. 

It is hard for "Dylan" to sit still during circle time.  He fidgets with his shoe lace and squirms in his spot.  His movement distracts other students from listening to the story.  When the teacher asks the class to predict what will happen next, "Dylan's" hand shoots up and the words pop out of his mouth at the same time. 

"Steven" never shouts out or causes a disruption.  In fact, sometimes it is easy to forget that he is there.  He is quiet, often tunes out what is going on around him and is melancholy.  He often slouches in his chair or rests his head on his arm at his desk.

"Dylan" and "Steven" show very different behaviors caused by Attention Deficit Disorder.  According recent statistics released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, they fall within the 9% of our nation's youth that have also been diagnosed with ADD at some point in their lives.  This converts to almost five million children and adolescents.

Help Children with ADHD and ADD

Although Attention Deficit Disorder does not lessen a child's I.Q., it does impair their ability to learn. 

For children like "Dylan" the difficulty remaining still and focusing limits the ability to practice skills and learn interesting facts.

For "Steven" and children like him, the lack of energy and inattentiveness don't permit him to fully participate in the class work and absorb new knowledge.

In order to help children with ADHD and ADD, the barriers that don't allow them to fully live their educational experience must be broken down.

Increase Brain's Millisecond Timing

Millisecond timing is essential for focus, attention, organization, as well as thinking speed and decision making speed. It helps us function efficiently in our lives. 

Improving the effectiveness of millisecond timing will help children with ADHD and ADD better able to pay attention in school, control their behavior, and succeed in their academic studies. 

Stimulants like Ritalin work to increase this timing in short bursts.  During the school day, students with Attention Deficit Disorder take this medication one or two times.  For some students the effects make paying attention possible.  For other students, the myriad of side effects like insomnia, low appetite, headaches, tachycardia and dizziness ( make taking this medication undesirable.

There are natural treatments to help children with ADHD and ADD reach their full potential without the side effects.  Brain Training involves synchronizing movements to a consistent beat.  As participants become more accurate, their millisecond timing PERMANTENTLY increases.  When a student finishes the program, they find that they are better able to focus, organize information, and communicate what they know.  These gifts open the doors for students to recuperate the skills and information lost when the barriers involved with Attention Deficit Disorder held them back.  Once those barriers are lifted, students can succeed in school and fulfill their dreams. 
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