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Real Psychic Messages - 4 Strange (But True) Techniques For Tapping Into Psychic Energy!

Are you trying to understand how to receive psychic messages? Do you feel powerfully "plugged" in to your inner intuition and sense of spirit? Do you occasionally feel, or subtly sense something happening at a great distance away, even though your physical body, and senses are nowhere near the source event? The truth is, these are pretty common experiences, and in MY view, a sign your subconscious mind is trying to pick up on psychic messages that are coming your way! Many of us are FAR more psychic and intuitive than we give ourselves credit for, and regardless of what the skeptics may say, the truth is that EVERYONE has at least some degree of psychic sensitivity for certain! So what are some super simple (but unusual) ways to receive psychic messages? Automatic Writing and "Channeling" Did you know that some of the most powerful, life changing and transformative messages have come through a process called automatic writing? It's true...
and entire books, and even philosophies have been extracted thorough this amazingly powerful process, where the sitter "channels" messages from some other place, and codifies them in a written document.
The famous "Seth" teachings, for example, are said to be conjured using this process by the author, Jane Roberts.
Much of the law of attraction style teachings that have emanated from Esther and Jerry Hicks, the original teachers of the "Secret" style of thought, are thought to be channeled communications from Abraham...
an infinite intelligence who communicates through Esther, to the rest of us.
(and as unbelievable as it sounds..
to see them in action is quite a sight!) Did you know that some of the greatest artists and poets and even philosophers have claimed to have their BIGGEST and best works fully formed "appear" to them before even setting a pen or pencil to paper (or pixel)? It's true...
and as noted philosopher and spiritual teacher Ken Wilber said after writing his enormous Magnum Opus - the book came to him, fully formed, and all he had to do was write it down! (his ideas SO powerful that former President Bill Clinton claimed on radio, that the ideas Wilber shared in this book, were so powerful, they could change the face of all human suffering if adopted by the masses) Remote Viewing Being able to "see" stuff happen at many miles away, often countries away...
using remote viewing techniques has been SUCH an astonishingly accurate exercise, that the US government has invested millions in studying how to do it! Don't believe me? The famous Operation Stargate (spoofed in the recent movie "Men who Stare at Goats" is actually a TRUE story, and one that while seemingly silly, underlies some AMAZING discoveries in the fine art and science of "psychic spying" that many governments STILL use today! Regression or Hypnotic Therapy Did you know that many people, for example get all sorts of psychic messages during a hypnotic regression? It's true...
and many folks have remembered complete past lives, that have later been 100% validated, simply by being regressed BACK beyond their current incarnation! And the messages gleaned from some of these sessions, provide an amazing level of insight into what may happen when this life is over..
and way beyond! Psychic Readings & Mediums Speaking of when this life is over, My favorite way to get psychic messages is actually from seeing a skilled psychic intuitive or medium.
Messages that come from the "other side" are often amazingly accurate, informational and simply IMPOSSIBLE to explain away as chance, fraud or good guesses! (even though the skeptics will try to convince you they are!) The truth is, in MY experience, there is NO better "proof" in psychic powers, or that life continues on WELL beyond the confines of this life, than a reading with a psychic medium who blows you away with insight, information and illumination they simply could NOT get from any other means! (and the truth is, you'll NEVER believe in the authenticity of psychic messages until you have your OWN reading or experience that PROVES it's true, no matter how many articles like this one you read!)
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