- Many people understand the logic behind clearing up any unresolved feelings from previous relationships before getting into a new relationship. However, fewer people realize the importance of resolving other past issues as well. For example, if you had a bad childhood, a traumatic experience that was never dealt with or any reoccurring issues that keep resurfacing in your life, it may be a good idea to try to work on those issues now before you get too serious in this new relationship. Working through these issues can mean seeking counseling if the issues are particularly difficult, but could also just mean spending some time on your own analyzing your thoughts and feelings on the issue and making sure that you can let it go and not let it influence your new relationship. This can put you in a much better place emotionally, and will undoubtedly prevent many conflicts in the relationship down the road.
- It is very tempting to spend every possible second with your significant other when starting a new relationship, but this is usually a mistake. It is important for both you and your partner to maintain your own separate outside interests. Doing so will make you both more well-rounded people and will help keep your relationship more interesting. It is also important to make sure that both of you do not neglect your old friendships at this time. Your friends will be there for you when problems inevitably arise in your new relationship, but only if you take special care to nurture the friendships.
- We've all felt that little nagging feeling in our gut that tells us when something is going very right...or very wrong. Many people dismiss these feelings because they do not have a logical reason for feeling that way. However, those initial feelings that you have about someone are usually pretty accurate. No matter what your gut is telling you, you should take the time to carefully listen to those feelings and take them under serious consideration.
Let Go of the Past
Keep Outside Interests
Listen to Your Instincts