'I think I might have ADHD' a colleague called Silvana once told me. We were sitting in the office and she confessed that she was an incurable multi-tasker. Now in the adult world, multi tasking is almost a positive trait in some working environments and is even encouraged. The only problem is that multi tasking may well be a convenient cover up for ADHD because it can sometimes mean that the person's concentration or ability to stay on task is flawed. That means missed deadlines, inattention and inability to finish tasks. My colleague nodded and said some of those traits were certainly hallmarks of her work. The loss in terms of productivity is enormous yet ADHD in the adult world goes undiagnosed in many cases.
'Apart from my multi tasking I think I might have ADHD' Silvana repeated. This was going to be a long session and instead of telling her to go to the doctor (which I eventually did), we chatted for a few more minutes. She found that her mind wandered very easily so staying focused on any one task was a real problem for her. Also she tended to be impulsive and as a result her boyfriend had banned her from driving his car. In the office, she also had problems in getting down to a task .She also found that she was a bit oversentive to remarks from colleague and could get upset at the slightest thing. There were also problems with being irritable.
'But how do I know if I have ADHD?', she demanded. 'I cannot give you a diagnosis' I said. She replied 'I think I might have ADHD'. It was beginning to sound like a mantra! But I did wonder if she might be right. To cut a long story short, she eventually went to get a proper diagnosis and yes she did have ADHD.
The next problem was the treatment. Silvana was very much against psychostimulants and she had no intention of becoming a zombie although I did point that these medicines sometimes are effective in relieving symptoms like inattention and fidgeting but they come with a rather high price tag in terms of side effects and she concurred.
After three months, she breezed into my office waving a report she had managed to finish without even asking for an extension of the deadline. I asked her how she had done it and she told me that she had decided to take a homeopathic remedy for ADHD and she was getting results. She could focus so much better and there was less 'chatter' in her head and she was altogether on top of everything. If you think you might have ADHD, you can find out what treatment Silvana used by clicking on the link below.
'Apart from my multi tasking I think I might have ADHD' Silvana repeated. This was going to be a long session and instead of telling her to go to the doctor (which I eventually did), we chatted for a few more minutes. She found that her mind wandered very easily so staying focused on any one task was a real problem for her. Also she tended to be impulsive and as a result her boyfriend had banned her from driving his car. In the office, she also had problems in getting down to a task .She also found that she was a bit oversentive to remarks from colleague and could get upset at the slightest thing. There were also problems with being irritable.
'But how do I know if I have ADHD?', she demanded. 'I cannot give you a diagnosis' I said. She replied 'I think I might have ADHD'. It was beginning to sound like a mantra! But I did wonder if she might be right. To cut a long story short, she eventually went to get a proper diagnosis and yes she did have ADHD.
The next problem was the treatment. Silvana was very much against psychostimulants and she had no intention of becoming a zombie although I did point that these medicines sometimes are effective in relieving symptoms like inattention and fidgeting but they come with a rather high price tag in terms of side effects and she concurred.
After three months, she breezed into my office waving a report she had managed to finish without even asking for an extension of the deadline. I asked her how she had done it and she told me that she had decided to take a homeopathic remedy for ADHD and she was getting results. She could focus so much better and there was less 'chatter' in her head and she was altogether on top of everything. If you think you might have ADHD, you can find out what treatment Silvana used by clicking on the link below.