Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Affiliate Marketing - What is it and How Can I Make Money From It?

Affiliate marketing.
It sounds like corporate jargon but it is, potentially, your next best way to make money.
Affiliate marketing is where you freely advertise another person's products in order to sell them.
For every sale that you manage to obtain, you receive a commission (this usually varies from 20-75%).
This can be very cheap to set up and has unlimited potential.
So, how do I do this then? Firstly you must find a service that offers affiliate marketing.
eBay and Amazon are two major services which allow you to market real goods but you will receive lower commissions.
You also have services such as Click2Sell and Clickbank which market digital goods; ebooks mainly.
You can make higher commissions with these services but you will often receive smaller amounts per sale.
Which is best for me though? It depends but I would recommend that you start with digital sales.
Although you will receive less money, they are often easier to set up and for you, the novice affiliate marketer, easier to sell because the items are so much cheaper.
Granted, you would make more money from earning commission for selling a car for eBay than you would for selling 10 ebooks but selling that one car is extremely difficult.
So I have my product, what must I do now? Now you need to go out there and market it.
As you do this, you need to be persuading people to buy the product whilst creating a sense of trust.
Product reviews and articles about your product will help greatly in this process.
A good idea is to create a blog which you regularly update.
This can be used to hold links to your products and can also be a place to link your article advertisements to.
Once you publish enough articles and enough reviews people will begin to start clicking on links to your blog.
This will ultimately raise it's Google profile, placing it higher in search rankings and encouraging more people to go and visit your blog full of products (by this point you could, in theory, be affiliate marketing several products and your new found high Google ranking will allow you to sell all of them plus give you a platform to sell future products)! Reading this, the process doesn't seem too complicated, does it? Why don't you go and have a stab at affiliate marketing today? It takes little effort and reaps massive rewards!
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