Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

3 Research Techniques A Medical Advertising Agency Can Use To Create A Marketing Campaign

Any medical advertising agency can construct a campaign. The question is more what information is used to make it as effective, targeted, and high impact as possible. In the case of many medical marketing agencies, there is relatively little research put into development. Most hospitals and doctors are surprised to discover that companies presenting themselves as medical marketing agencies seldom make use of concrete data and figures when designing new initiatives.

Many healthcare professionals have chosen to work with medical marketing agencies that take a different approach. Instead of focusing on gut instinct, these companies create strategies based on research, testing, focus groups, and other proven methods of analysis. Understanding these tools will help you make the choice when it comes time to create your next advertising initiative.

Technique #1: Market Studies

This technique covers a wide range of different initiatives. Market studies are the rough equivalent of observational studies in healthcare. The medical advertising agency observes the current conditions in your area of expertise, focusing on key attributes of importance for creation of an effective campaign. These key attributes will vary depending on your exact specialty.

Market studies are typically non-invasive, meaning that people are surveyed about their current opinions of your company, not given a potential change and asked to reach. They are quite different from the other common form of consumer-interactive analysis, focus groups.

Technique #2: Focus Groups

Focus groups are a classic technique used to gauge consumer opinion about new initiatives before they are launched. Although it is a classic technique, it continues to be used with very good reason: focus groups work. The agency will first identify key demographics for your new initiative. If you're considering a new slogan or determining what type of message will work best, they will gather together people from the various consumer segments that would see your message. Once these individuals have been gathered, they will be presented with a number of different things and asked to comment. They might be shown a variety of different products or campaign ideas, and asked for their opinion. Or they might be asked to test a new commercial. These people become your earliest source of opinion, allowing you to detect possible flaws before a sub-optimal campaign ever goes public.

Technique #3: Online Research

This third technique has only become common recently, and some of the older and less adaptive medical marketing agencies remain uncomfortable with it. There is a lot of information to be gained online, but your company must know where to look for it. Make sure the agency you work with has a thorough understanding of the modern internet medium and knows how to use it to your advantage.

An Informed Campaign Gets Better Results

When your campaign is based on facts rather than feelings, you can be confident that it has the highest chance of success. While no initiative is guaranteed to produce the desired results, the more analysis that is performed beforehand and the more potential customer demographics that are surveyed, the more accurate the predictions of success and the better the results.

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