Health & Medical Mental Health

Are There Any Natural ADD Cures?

When a child or adult is diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder, parents and health conscious individuals who wish to avoid medication will often ask, "Are there any natural ADD cures?" Unfortunately there is no cure at present for ADD but there are other options available (other than medication) that can reduce the severity of the symptoms.
For the Attention Deficit person, information is unable to travel efficiently in the brain causing many messages to not be successfully received.
Treatment for the symptoms of ADD in the form of medication corrects an imbalance in the chemicals allowing for better focus and less susceptibility to distractions.
This is an ongoing treatment that may need to continue for the person's entire life, although some can 'outgrow' their condition.
Although there are no natural ADD cures, there are however natural treatments as an alternative to medication.
For these treatments to be effective they need to be applied daily as it helps neither you nor your child to attempt natural alternatives for one week and then skip the next.
Some of these treatments may take longer than others for the results to show and so they should be followed for at least a month before deciding on their effectiveness.
Two of the most effective alternative solutions are exercise and diet.
Diet Diet plays a vital role in the ADD person's life.
What you eat and drink has a huge impact not only on your energy levels, but also on your ability to concentrate.
For those living with ADHD, their hyperactivity can become triggered by certain foods and drinks.
Keep a record of what you eat and use these observations to avoid the foods that cause you to lose concentration and increase the severity of your symptoms.
Exercise Exercise is another effective alternative because it releases chemicals into the brain that enable better focus.
You do not need to devote large amounts of time to exercise in order for it to help with your concentration.
Aim to work for an hour at a time with a short break in between.
Whenever you feel your focus beginning to diminish, take a 5 minute walk or jog before returning to your work.
There are other alternatives that you can try but exercise and diet are two of the most effective as well as easiest to start with right away.
Keep in mind that these alternatives are not natural ADD cures, but they will reduce the severity of your symptoms and the impact that they have in your life if followed on a consistent basis.
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