Health & Medical Women's Health

What Causes Period Pains But No Period?

If you're suffering from period pains but no period, you would probably like to know what creates them.
More importantly, you would probably like to know how to get rid of those unwanted aches and pains.
In order to do that, though, you need to understand the causes of the problem.
The Two Biggest Causes: There are two big causes of period-like pains, such as bloating and cramping, without actually having any bleeding.
One of those possible causes is that you could be pregnant.
The early stages of pregnancy can often feel similar to having your period.
You could experience bloating, muscle aches, cramps, headaches, nausea and more.
You also might experience some bleeding, but not all pregnant women do.
The other big cause of having pain without the actual bleeding of a period is that you could simply have PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome.
Almost all women experience bloating, nausea, headaches or other symptoms just prior to their period.
However, the exact symptoms can vary in type and severity from month to month.
What You Can Do About It: If you could potentially be pregnant, you should definitely get confirmation from a doctor.
Also, if you have a family history of any sort of reproductive disorder, such as uterine cancer or ovarian cysts, you should consult your doctor.
It's important to rule those causes out.
If you determine that you are just having problems with PMS, you have a lot of things that you can do to fight those problems.
The best option, however, is to use all natural treatment methods.
Many medications don't treat the whole problem or only treat it temporarily.
Natural treatments, on the other hand, can help you to build up your body's defenses and regulate your hormone levels, eliminating most of your PMS symptoms.
Mineral, Vitamin and Herb Treatments: As far as vitamins and minerals go, calcium, magnesium, iron and folic acid are all important for your health, especially around period times.
Together, they have the ability to regulate hormones, regulate blood flow, replace lost nutrients, relieve cramping and prevent mood swings.
Not only that, but they don't have harsh side effects, generally.
Herbs are just as important for a balanced body.
Chasteberry and evening primrose are two of the best.
They can really help you to retake control of your own body.
That way, you can get rid of your period and PMS pain.
There are many supplements that contain these components.
One of the best is Period Vitamin, which contains each of the elements above.
It also contains white willow bark, which is a natural pain relief herb, and a lot of other natural components designed to support a woman's health.
Other Steps: Although you can get a great supplement like Period Vitamin, you also need to take other simple steps to relieve PMS and period pain.
For example, reducing your stress levels and getting plenty of sleep can make a huge difference in a positive way.
Eating a balanced diet can also help you to control hormone levels, reduce water weight gain and control other symptoms.
So, you don't just have to live with having period pains but no period.
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