Social networking sites are great tools for someone who owns a home based business or is an online marketer.
Since Facebook is one of the most popular websites on the internet it is quite clear that you should market your business pretty heavily on this popular site.
On the other hand, as someone who tried just about everything to get Facebook to work for my business I have to tell you that probably our efforts are probably spent elsewhere online.
I'm not trying to say that Facebook is not a great website and you should not have an account for your business.
Actually i believe that every business should have a Facebook page! The weak side of this website is the fact that is not set up to be a main source of marketing online, so try not to see it this way.
Facebook is not a website great for marketing and this is due to its design.
The creators of Facebook intended to make it a social website, not a marketing one.
Because of that you cannot add as many friends as you want in one day.
While sites such as Myspace allows you to add as many people as you wish in one single day, Facebook is very strict about that.
Facebook is a website where people like to relax and put their guard down.
It is not a place where people generally think about their business.
They are talking to their friends and post nice pictures on other's friend's wall.
Of course there are on Facebook also people that have business in their mind, but mostly are there to socialize.
The fact that Facebook is set up for socialisation and is not set up to be a marketing site makes it hard to get marketing working.
Can you do a little? Yes, but not extremely effective.
The main idea is that you can spend some time on Facebook but if you want to market something on a social site, YouTube and Twitter are more useful!
Since Facebook is one of the most popular websites on the internet it is quite clear that you should market your business pretty heavily on this popular site.
On the other hand, as someone who tried just about everything to get Facebook to work for my business I have to tell you that probably our efforts are probably spent elsewhere online.
I'm not trying to say that Facebook is not a great website and you should not have an account for your business.
Actually i believe that every business should have a Facebook page! The weak side of this website is the fact that is not set up to be a main source of marketing online, so try not to see it this way.
Facebook is not a website great for marketing and this is due to its design.
The creators of Facebook intended to make it a social website, not a marketing one.
Because of that you cannot add as many friends as you want in one day.
While sites such as Myspace allows you to add as many people as you wish in one single day, Facebook is very strict about that.
Facebook is a website where people like to relax and put their guard down.
It is not a place where people generally think about their business.
They are talking to their friends and post nice pictures on other's friend's wall.
Of course there are on Facebook also people that have business in their mind, but mostly are there to socialize.
The fact that Facebook is set up for socialisation and is not set up to be a marketing site makes it hard to get marketing working.
Can you do a little? Yes, but not extremely effective.
The main idea is that you can spend some time on Facebook but if you want to market something on a social site, YouTube and Twitter are more useful!