Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Holiday Accident Claims and How to Make Them

People, who have suffered an accident or illness, while on holiday, may be able to recover substantial compensation.
Also, people who find that the holiday package they bought was not satisfactory, can now make claims as well.
This article will specifically discuss the cases whereby people on holiday become victims of an accident, and choose to make a claim.
People can claim for injury sustained both in the UK while on holiday and overseas.
As long as the person suffered an injury through no fault of their own, they might be able to make a holiday accident claim.
It is often advised that a solicitors firm is contacted for such cases.
Simple claims, such as having food poisoning due to a restaurant's badly served food, can be cleared easily.
In such a case, the concerned restaurant will be responsible for any compensation to be made to the victim.
Holiday accident claims could become more complicated as well.
For example, if the accident is the fault of the tour operator or transportation company used by the victim, this could necessitate a solicitor to make things clearer.
There are several cases, whereby a person may be able to claim for a holiday accident, injury or illness.
These include, food poisoning from a hotel or restaurant, falling on a badly maintained path within the hotel, slipping on a spillage or broken glass in the hotel, falling due to defective flooring in a hotel or holiday accommodation, having an injury from an accident sustained on an organised day trip or a road traffic accident in a holiday coach.
In order to win a compensation claim, the victim, along with their solicitor, will have to prove that they are at no fault for the injury or accident experienced.
Acceptable evidence may be proof that the injury, accident or illness was reported to the hotel or travel company of the victim.
Also, the victim should have sought medical advice and provide a medical record of the injury or condition.
Witnesses' contact details could also prove useful.
It would also be essential- based on the circumstance- to provide any photos of the site of the accident.
Also, receipts and any other proof of expenses incurred as a result of the accident, are necessary as evidence.
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