Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

The Many Dangerous Health Results Of Obesity

For the person who is overweight, there are very many serious risks to health and total well being. The costs to contemporary society in the US is shocking and draws near several hundred billion dollars yearly. You can add the multi-billion dollar a year total that is used each year for diet related merchandise. So there is apparently a battle that is being waged for our health. Of course the food and beverage industry does not help things. Many people are aware of the prevalence of high calorie fats and sugars found in many types of fast foods and drinks. Obesity often causes many health problems, and here are several critical ones.

One of the most significant effects of obesity is type 2 diabetes, and a lot more new cases appear each year. What has become even more scary is the rising number of cases of this condition in younger people who are also significantly overweight. The role of obesity in this illness is to produce increased resistance to the hormone, insulin. The situation is made much worse with daily consumption of too much amounts of sugar containing products. For years, various warnings have been made about the use of high fructose corn syrup in most soft drinks and other widespread beverages. There is merely no comparing between high fructose corn syrup and processed sugar.

Other serious conditions which are often seen involve damage to certain joints in the body. The key areas are the weight bearing joints such as hips, knees and ankles. When the joints undergo so much wear and tear, they will produce other serious complications such as arthritis. Patients with excessive weight problems will not always make for the best prospects for artificial joints. However, the most effective results occur when there is not an obese state in these patients. But for individuals who could benefit from it yet are obese, this is simply not always recommended. At the very least it's rather a risky procedure since the heavy weight on the artificial joint can cause difficulties. The elevated weight could possibly cause the joint to become loose which can further injury surrounding bone.

High blood pressure is a very common occurance among those who definitely are obese. As along with several of our bodily processes, unwanted fat puts a severe strain on the body. The presence of so much fat is simply a huge demand for air which is furnished by the blood. It all leads back to the heart clearly since that is what moves the blood. The high blood pressure is simply due to this extra demand caused by the extra weight. In addition to the high blood pressure, the heart rate is going to be greater as well.

It is quite clear that obesity is a situation that seriously impacts all capabilities of the body. But our conversation here today is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to all that is possible.

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