It's amazing to think that just 15 years ago, you would have needed access to a very large pot of funds to trade the Forex. In fact most investors were either large institutions or very wealthy individuals. But thanks to the Internet, this has now changed. It's now possible for the man in the street to trade alongside big corporate institutions. And many brokers have welcomed these individual traders with open arms. Indeed, a whole new type of regulated Forex broker has emerged for this market. One of the best of this new breed of broker is ACM, who operate the ACM Forex Trading Platform.
ACM have focused their business squarely at the individual investor rather than the professional trader. They have obviously spent time researching what small investors need. One of their biggest accomplishments is the setting up of a user-friendly platform. This is the interface from which you trade. There is a mass of technical information available to you but it is all packaged in a neat way that you can get access to easily. It is possible to customize the screen so that you can get all the information that you need.
ACM has what it calls a WYCIWYG system. This stands for 'What You Click Is What YOU Get' and I think this sums up completely the advantage of using this platform. The price that you execute the trade will be the price that you get even if the market subsequently moves. So what does that mean to you? Well, one of the big complaints from traders is that there is slippage from the time of placing a trade to the time that the system actually executes the trade. This time lag could be just seconds or even fractions of a second, but in a fast moving market this can be the difference between making a nice tidy profit and suffering a loss. You don't get this problem with the ACM Forex trading platform.
You can begin trading with a $2000 mini account or choose a $5000 standard account. This is sufficient to satisfy a whole range of small investors. But to start off you are best to trade a demo account. This will make sure that you are comfortable with the trading platform, before putting any of your money at stake.
You may be pleasantly surprised that all this technology does not come at a sky-high price. In fact, it is very affordable. The ACM Forex Trading Platform is available at 2-3 pip spreads with no commission charges. This compares very favorably with other regulated Forex brokers
ACM have focused their business squarely at the individual investor rather than the professional trader. They have obviously spent time researching what small investors need. One of their biggest accomplishments is the setting up of a user-friendly platform. This is the interface from which you trade. There is a mass of technical information available to you but it is all packaged in a neat way that you can get access to easily. It is possible to customize the screen so that you can get all the information that you need.
ACM has what it calls a WYCIWYG system. This stands for 'What You Click Is What YOU Get' and I think this sums up completely the advantage of using this platform. The price that you execute the trade will be the price that you get even if the market subsequently moves. So what does that mean to you? Well, one of the big complaints from traders is that there is slippage from the time of placing a trade to the time that the system actually executes the trade. This time lag could be just seconds or even fractions of a second, but in a fast moving market this can be the difference between making a nice tidy profit and suffering a loss. You don't get this problem with the ACM Forex trading platform.
You can begin trading with a $2000 mini account or choose a $5000 standard account. This is sufficient to satisfy a whole range of small investors. But to start off you are best to trade a demo account. This will make sure that you are comfortable with the trading platform, before putting any of your money at stake.
You may be pleasantly surprised that all this technology does not come at a sky-high price. In fact, it is very affordable. The ACM Forex Trading Platform is available at 2-3 pip spreads with no commission charges. This compares very favorably with other regulated Forex brokers