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Minimally Invasive Anterior Cervical Discectomy Surgery In India

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Minimally Invasive Anterior Cervical Discectomy Surgery

The Cervical Spine

The human spine is divided into three sections : -
  • The cervical spine or neck (which is made up of 7 vertebrae).
  • The thoracic spine (which is made up of 12 vertebrae)
  • The lumbar spine or low back (which consists of 5 vertebrae)

The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull and supports the weight of the head. The spinal cord runs from the brain down through the cervical spine, controlling the function of the body's organs and limbs...

Cervical Pain

Millions of people suffer from pain in their necks or arms. A common cause of cervical pain is a rupture or herniation of one or more of the cervical discs. This happens when the annulus of the disc tears and the soft nucleus squeezes out. As a result, pressure is placed on the nerve root or the spinal cord and causes pain in the neck, shoulders, arms and sometimes the hands. Cervical disc herniations can occur as a result of aging, wear and tear, or sudden stress like from an accident...

Surgical Technique

An anterior cervical discectomy is the most common surgical procedure to treat damaged cervical discs. Its goal is to relieve pressure on the nerve roots or on the spinal cord by removing the ruptured disc. It is called anterior because the cervical spine is reached through a small incision in the front of the neck (anterior means front). During the surgery, the soft tissues of the neck are separated and the disc is removed. Sometimes the space between the vertebrae are left open. However, in order to maintain the normal height of the disc space, the surgeon may choose to fill the space with a bone graft...

After Surgery

Patients will feel some pain after surgery, especially at the incision site. Pain medications are usually given to help control the pain. Upon a physician's direction, moist heat and frequent repositioning can also provide some relief. While tingling sensations or numbness is common, and should lessen over time, they should be reported to the doctor. Most patients are up and moving around within a few hours after surgery. In fact, this is encouraged in order to keep circulation normal and avoid blood clots...

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