Health & Medical Women's Health

Neck Liposuction - Is it For You?

Neck liposuction can be a great sculpting tool for those who hold excess fat in their necks that doesn't go away with dieting and exercise.
Liposuction is a powerful sculpting procedure for those who seek firming of the lower face and neck.
Liposuction in these areas is an easy, powerful alternative to facelift, and it compliments the facelift for those who opt for both.
While excess weight does show up in the face, if you have already dieted and still cannot resolve this problem area then you may be a great candidate for neck liposuction.
In general, liposuction targets stubborn problem areas that persist in spite of a healthy lifestyle.
Any liposuction, including face and neck liposuction, will not change your weight.
Rather, the contour of your body will improve through sculpting.
Because we so often show even small fluctuations of weight in our faces, your friends will assume that you've lost weight after your neck and lower face liposuction procedure.
The benefits are double: neck liposuction will improve the aesthetic appeal of your face, and the improved contour will suggest a slimmer new you even though your weight hasn't changed.
More important you will look younger because fullness of the lower half of the face is associated with aging.
Improving the contour can easily make one look 10 years younger.
Who needs neck liposuction? The best candidates for lower face and neck liposuction are those who: 1.
Are looking for a younger, fresher look without undergoing a face lift..
Have stable weight with sufficient fullness in the lower face and neck.
Have minimal or no neck cords.
The lower face and neck responds very well to liposuction.
This includes the area under the chin.
Because our brains are programmed for facial recognition, even small changes in and around the face make a large difference in how people perceive you.
When you remove excess fat from the lower face and neck, your friends will probably think immediately think that you have lost weight.
In addition, you will look younger because this procedure creates better visual separation between the lower face and neck that is associated with youth.
Liposuction skin tightening is a common benefit in this area as well.
Skin with proper tension is a feature of a youthful face.
The liposuction procedure appears to stimulate contraction of skin effectively preventing skin sag after the liposuction procedure.
Is neck liposuction safe? Neck liposuction complications are unusual, especially when performed under local anesthesia.
Yes this procedure can be performed in an office procedure room with you awake and alert.
That is how comfortable the procedure is.
There is often no bruising associated with the procedure.
Many find that they can have the procedure on a Thursday and return to work on Monday and no one is aware that they had surgery.
The safest kind of liposuction, called tumescent liposuction, is performed under local anesthesia using very small cannulas to remove the fat.
In a review of 66,570 cases of tumescent liposuction, there were no serious health issues.
These impressive results indicate tumescent liposuction safety.
This procedure takes your cosmetic surgeon more time to perform, as it requires meticulous attention and the gentlest hand, resulting in detail-oriented contour improvement.
Recovery is swift; recovery from, tumescent liposuction recovery time is only a few days.
It is worth repeating that you can receive the procedure Thursday morning and return to work Monday without anyone noticing a change.
At first neck liposuction swelling will replace the removed fat.
As this swelling decreases, your improved contour will become evident and people will assume you have lost weight.
The gradual yet definite change you see here makes tumescent neck liposuction a fantastic option for those who don't want anyone to guess that they've had work done.
Choosing a Liposuction Doctor The face is a dynamic and sensitive part of the body that requires the hand of an artistic doctor as much as a skilled one.
Research doctors and find one who makes sense to you and takes the time to determine the best individualized treatment program for your needs.
Be suspicious of doctors who prefer to perform liposuction under general anesthesia.
Unless you have unusual circumstances that require general anesthesia is better in your unique case, local anesthesia is the way to go.
Don't just have general anesthesia because your surgeon likes to flirt with the nursing staff during surgery and he or she doesn't want you to be aware of this banter.
Avoiding general anesthesia means far fewer drugs for your system to deal with.
It just make sense that this is much safer than all the drugs and invasive procedures needed for general anesthesia and medical studies support this conclusion.
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