Business & Finance Business News

Bedbugs - Getting Rid of These Annoying Pests

The history of bedbugs goes back as long as human history. Numbers were on a decline from the 1930's to the 1980's. Since the ban of DDT and due to frequent traveling, bedbug infestations are on the rise. Below you will find effective methods to keep bedbugs from invading your home.rnrnAs soon as you see evidence of bedbugs, you should attempt to contain the critters. In this way it's similar to a contagious illness like flu, though bedbugs seldom cause medical problems beyond itching from the bites. Whatever you do, try not to pass on the bedbugs to friends or extended family members. Keep in mind that bedbugs could attach themselves to anything which leaves your house. So if you have an infestation, don't throw a party or have people over for dinner. Bedbugs could end up going home with your guests. Please be careful when getting rid of household furniture that may contain bedbugs. Don't spread the bedbug problem onto other people. rnrnUsing steam on bedbugs is very effective. Steam will actually kill the bedbugs. You should launder any clothing, bedding or linens that may be infested at a temperate of at least 120 F. Of course, this by itself won't solve the problem if bedbugs are living in your house, as they can always return. Dealing with bedbugs can be a real pain but it really will be effective to take a multifaceted approach when it comes to eradicating them. You can also use plastic bags on warm days to kill bedbugs. Loosely put your clothing or linens in a big plastic bag and seal. Take care not to overly pack the bags. Keep the bags outside in the sun for a few days.rnrnBedbugs can be found living in bat and bird's nests. If you currently have an infestation, one thing you should do is to removal all bird and bat nests from your home. This includes nests in your attic, porch, and or basement. While some people like to have bats around because they eat mosquitoes, if you have a bedbug problem, bats can make the problem worse. Since bird nests could potentially be a home for bedbugs it's advisable to take down all nests near your home, even if you are a bird lover. Likewise, pets, including rabbits, hamsters and other caged animals, can be hosts for bedbugs so make sure you inspect and thoroughly clean the areas surrounding any animals in your household. rnrnDealing with bedbugs is so difficult because of their ability to adapt wherever they may be living. Yet if you're careful in your habits and make a concerted effort, you can rid your house of them for good. Use the tips that have been presented to keep them away, but if all else fails always consult with a professional pest control service.

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