Panic attacks and depression usually go together.
Every individual have certain levels of anxiety as they go through their daily life.
It is when these anxiety levels exceed beyond tolerable limits that it results in disorders like anxiety attacks or panic attacks, depression etc.
Anxiety is a mental phenomenon.
It is caused when the mind perceives a relatively harmless situation to be some kind of a potential danger and starts signaling the body to react with sensations like increased heart rate, sweating etc.
People suffering from anxiety and depression usually avoid socializing with people and live life in a cocoon.
The severe stress causes lack of sleep and which in turn leads to more stress and daytime drowsiness during the day.
The fear of panic attacks will also add to the restlessness and depression.
Sometimes, people take up medications and antidepressants either over the counter or by prescription.
It is important to understand that, medicines are not the right way to move forward to treat depression and panic attacks.
Medications can only treat the physical symptoms offering a temporary relief.
However, they do nothing to treat the real cause of panic attacks which is a mental condition.
Further, the medicines have severe side effects and tend to be addictive.
This makes a drugs to cause more anxiety than the actual panic attack itself.
If you observe your depressed state of mind a little closely, you will notice that most of the times you are depressed about the fact that you are depressed.
Most of the anxiety is caused by you worrying about the fact that you are going through a depression.
Also, the fear of panic attacks causes more stress and anxiety than the experience of the actual panic attack itself.
If you could get rid of these imagined fears, about 80% of your problems will be solved.
Shakespeare said "A coward dies a thousand times but a courageous only once".
You need to have that attitude when you face your panic attacks.
Truth is that you will not die of panic attacks.
So just go out there and face it head on.
The right way to deal with panic attacks and depression is by treating the actual root cause of the problem instead of delving on its physical symptoms.
Thousands of people have got their panic attacks cured forever by using Joe Barry's One Move Method.
Every individual have certain levels of anxiety as they go through their daily life.
It is when these anxiety levels exceed beyond tolerable limits that it results in disorders like anxiety attacks or panic attacks, depression etc.
Anxiety is a mental phenomenon.
It is caused when the mind perceives a relatively harmless situation to be some kind of a potential danger and starts signaling the body to react with sensations like increased heart rate, sweating etc.
People suffering from anxiety and depression usually avoid socializing with people and live life in a cocoon.
The severe stress causes lack of sleep and which in turn leads to more stress and daytime drowsiness during the day.
The fear of panic attacks will also add to the restlessness and depression.
Sometimes, people take up medications and antidepressants either over the counter or by prescription.
It is important to understand that, medicines are not the right way to move forward to treat depression and panic attacks.
Medications can only treat the physical symptoms offering a temporary relief.
However, they do nothing to treat the real cause of panic attacks which is a mental condition.
Further, the medicines have severe side effects and tend to be addictive.
This makes a drugs to cause more anxiety than the actual panic attack itself.
If you observe your depressed state of mind a little closely, you will notice that most of the times you are depressed about the fact that you are depressed.
Most of the anxiety is caused by you worrying about the fact that you are going through a depression.
Also, the fear of panic attacks causes more stress and anxiety than the experience of the actual panic attack itself.
If you could get rid of these imagined fears, about 80% of your problems will be solved.
Shakespeare said "A coward dies a thousand times but a courageous only once".
You need to have that attitude when you face your panic attacks.
Truth is that you will not die of panic attacks.
So just go out there and face it head on.
The right way to deal with panic attacks and depression is by treating the actual root cause of the problem instead of delving on its physical symptoms.
Thousands of people have got their panic attacks cured forever by using Joe Barry's One Move Method.