- Decorate a homemade drum set and let the fun begin.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Use a cylinder shaped oatmeal container for a drum. Cut a sheet of construction paper to fit around it. Have your child decorate the paper with stickers, paints and crayons, and tape the sheet of paper around the box. Create a shaker out of paper plates. Have your child decorate the bottoms of two plates, place a handful of dried kidney beans in between the plates, and staple the plates together along the circumference. - Your child will be proud of the block set he made for himself.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Collect boxes of different shapes and sizes--cereal boxes, toothpaste cartons and shoe boxes. Fill the boxes with crumbled tissue paper or newspaper to increase the weight. Wrap the boxes with contact paper, and have your child decorate the outside of the blocks using markers, stickers or family photographs. - Your child will love reading the book she created.Liquidlibrary/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Write each upper and lower case letter of the alphabet on the top of a standard sized sheet of paper, one letter per sheet. Have your child make a collage of things that start with the letter on each page by drawing pictures or cutting and pasting pictures from magazines and pasting them on the page. Have him decorate the cover of a three ring binder (be sure to list him as the author of the "book" on the cover) and place the pages he created inside. Be sure to read it to him often. - Making puppets is not only fun, but also encourages creative thinking and verbal skills.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Use brown paper bags to make puppets with your child. Have her draw the character's face on construction paper, and then help her cut it out and paste it onto the paper bag. Let her color the face with crayons or markers and encourage her to create a hat for her puppet using feathers, stickers and glitter. Ask her questions about the character she's creating and encourage her to invent a voice and a story for her puppet. Follow up the art project with a puppet show.
Make Musical Instruments
Create Your Own Building Blocks
Make an Alphabet Book
Make Puppets