Everyone has heard of Hulk Hogan.
He was famous as a wrestler and then went into movie work.
In the wrestling ring he was very strong and in the movies he was often in a very funny role.
One of the things people remember is the Hulk Hogan mullet haircut.
This haircut was very popular in the 1980's but, although still fashioned by some, has more or less gone out of style.
It was cut short on the sides and long in the back and was quite popular with a number of celebrities.
Men wearing this style were often called mullet-heads.
Men have become much more aware of their hair styles in recent years.
Even those who sport long hair have started wearing it in a fashionable way.
With the decline of barber shops many men have a bi-weekly or monthly appointments at a beauty shop.
They have their hair shampooed and then trimmed in a very neat fashion.
In the current movies, when there is a fashionable scene one will see men with attractive hairstyles.
This has had a great deal of influence on those who wish to make a special impression on a date or place of employment.
Any place where there are important people, such as in Congress or significant meetings, one will find the men with their hair neatly trimmed and in place.
With the economy causing so many people to lose jobs, the importance of appearance in applying for new ones has become very apparent.
Being neat and clean from head to toes often means the difference between getting or not getting the job.
As a result, men have become very conscious of how important clean and neatly styled hair has become.
People either love the Hulk Hogan mullet haircut or hate it.
Some of the younger people are 'spiking' it to make it stand straight up.
This is a phase of 'making a statement' that so many young people go through.
This style has been picked up by some western singers, who give it a modern twist but is not on the over-all popular list.
He was famous as a wrestler and then went into movie work.
In the wrestling ring he was very strong and in the movies he was often in a very funny role.
One of the things people remember is the Hulk Hogan mullet haircut.
This haircut was very popular in the 1980's but, although still fashioned by some, has more or less gone out of style.
It was cut short on the sides and long in the back and was quite popular with a number of celebrities.
Men wearing this style were often called mullet-heads.
Men have become much more aware of their hair styles in recent years.
Even those who sport long hair have started wearing it in a fashionable way.
With the decline of barber shops many men have a bi-weekly or monthly appointments at a beauty shop.
They have their hair shampooed and then trimmed in a very neat fashion.
In the current movies, when there is a fashionable scene one will see men with attractive hairstyles.
This has had a great deal of influence on those who wish to make a special impression on a date or place of employment.
Any place where there are important people, such as in Congress or significant meetings, one will find the men with their hair neatly trimmed and in place.
With the economy causing so many people to lose jobs, the importance of appearance in applying for new ones has become very apparent.
Being neat and clean from head to toes often means the difference between getting or not getting the job.
As a result, men have become very conscious of how important clean and neatly styled hair has become.
People either love the Hulk Hogan mullet haircut or hate it.
Some of the younger people are 'spiking' it to make it stand straight up.
This is a phase of 'making a statement' that so many young people go through.
This style has been picked up by some western singers, who give it a modern twist but is not on the over-all popular list.