- 1). Save the Java installation files (see Resources) to a directory on your hard drive. Double-click the "setup.exe" file to extract the contents to your local directory.
- 2). Click the Windows "Start" button and select "Run." Enter "cmd" into the text box and press the "Enter" key. This opens your Windows command prompt.
- 3). Type "cd \" into the command prompt to point it to the root of your hard drive. Type "cd <installDirectory>" into the command prompt to activate the directory where you downloaded the install files. Replace "<installDirectory>" with the name of your Windows directory.
- 4). Type "j2re-1_4_2_06-windows-i586-p.exe /s /v"/qn IEXPLORER=1" into the command prompt. This command installs Java silently and registers it with your Internet Explorer browser. Press "Enter" and the software installs on the machine with no prompts or verification windows.