Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Three Steps To Ensure Payment From A New Client

Does this happen to you? You talk to a prospect during your Get Acquainted Call and she says "Yes" to working with you. Yeah, that's very exciting! But then, you send paperwork and wait for her first payment. Times passes and your cash flow suffers. So, how do you move new clients from saying, "Yes" to becoming a paying client?

1. Use Suggestology in Your Conversation. When you start to go over your programs with a prospect, use language that sounds like you already know she is going to sign up. Here's a script you can adapt for your business, "Here are the different programs, and you're going to let me know which one you like. Then if you decide you want to sign up today, fantastic. All I need is your name. email information, address, and which credit card you want to use. Do you want to pay to in full or pay in installments? I'll run it through, and send your welcome packet, then we can get you started today."

2. Don't Send Anything Until You Receive a First Payment. A lot of entrepreneurs are excited by a prospect who wants to work with them, so they lean forward and share information prior to getting a payment. I learned early on in my practice that what works best is to hold off sending the welcome packet. Instead, don't share anything until you get a full commitment, which is a payment.

3. Use a System for Taking Credit Card Payments Over the Phone. When you have a prospect on the phone, that is the best time to get their initial installment. Take control of payment processing to ensure more prospects become clients. I recommend because I used them in my practice. Over the years, I've had hundreds of clients do their due diligence, talk to their banks, and many if not most of them ended up with Practice Pay Solutions. It's just easier.

Don't send invoices or use Paypal invoices because you lose control of processing and leave it up to the client to choose when to pay. If there is any wishy-washiness, they may waver on making that first installment.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you have clients in limbo who agreed to work with you, but have not yet made a first installment, try this to prod them along. Every five - ten days send them a message that says, "I'm looking forward to sending you the assessment" (or welcome packet). Or, "I'm looking forward to getting you started," or, "Here's a little thing that I found online". Gently, lovingly nudge the person that it's time to get started.

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