Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

How To Win Your Ex Back: Two Ways To Go About It

You cannot believe how much time has passed since that last argument the two of you had. You and your ex went at it before but this was one for the books. When it was over they stormed out of the house and you sat there fuming.

After a while you calmed down and you figured they had also. You chalked it up to just one of those things that happens when two people are passionate. Besides the makeup part has always been fun and more passionate then the arguments. In other words no matter what the two of you came back together.

But it's not in the cards this go round. Your ex said they love and cared about you very much. They always will but right now they have come to the conclusion that enough is enough. They want out. Although you are not happy with the decision you tell them you understand. Let bygones be bygones and you wish nothing but the best for them.

At the time you meant it but it doesn't take long for you to discover that this is the very last thing you really wanted. You want your ex back. Imperfections and all, the two of you are a terrific pair. You know it and you get the feeling your ex knows it too. Any problems are minor compared to the love the two of you have for each other.

Now what?

1. Confront The Green Eyed Monster

You just cannot stand the thought of them being with someone else. That's understandable but the reality is they can do what they want. Therefore don't freak out if you hear that your ex is going out with somebody new. Showing them those colors will only confirm in their minds that they made the right decision breaking up with you.

2. Gentle Persuasion

Send them a letter. You could always email them but a handwritten letter is more personal. It can be just a quick note to see how they are doing and to bring them up to date on what's going on with you. Don't talk about missing them. Stay positive and treat them like you are writing a letter to an old friend.
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