Education for our children starts from home! We become the primary means that our children learn their social cues and development.
Today it seems like our youth are finding more and more of their learned behaviors from video games and television.
Almost too often it seems we are so busy and caught up in our lives that we forget that it is our job to shape and mold our children for a better society.
By spending thirty minutes to an hour a day with your child can have such a positive impact on their development.
Providing toys and games that have educational value and aren't always electronic based will stimulate their imagination and encourage them to think for themselves.
Keeping them interested can always be challenging, but working with your toddler daily will give you a better understanding of what your child needs.
It's amazing what we learn about our children when we spend time with them.
A lot of parents are always exclaiming that they overspent on toys that their child quickly discarded.
When we actually take the opportunity to actively play with our children we receive cues from them on what they are interested in.
This will typically lead to smarter toy purchases.
We are getting input directly from the source! Give your toddler a set of wooden building blocks and watch and see what they create.
Your child's imagination will run wild as they get the joy of creating something visual from the pictures they see in their head.
Interacting with them and building with them, watching them as they build will encourage them to include you in their play activities.
Listen to music with your child.
Watch them develop their musical abilities with their owntoy piano or numerous other toddler sized musical instruments.
Get involved and be a part of the "band.
" Your child will delight in the fun you create together.
Many of the toys and games on the market are educational and by finding the age appropriate ones for your child they will get hours of fun and learn at the same time.
Flash cards are a phenomenal example of learning through play.
You can teach your toddler almost anything from animals to colors to ABC's and 123's and much more.
It's an activity that you get to do together and will prepare them for their school years.
Our children always look up to us as their role models and by spending the time with them that they crave is enabling positive, learned behaviors that will help them succeed in their future.
Today it seems like our youth are finding more and more of their learned behaviors from video games and television.
Almost too often it seems we are so busy and caught up in our lives that we forget that it is our job to shape and mold our children for a better society.
By spending thirty minutes to an hour a day with your child can have such a positive impact on their development.
Providing toys and games that have educational value and aren't always electronic based will stimulate their imagination and encourage them to think for themselves.
Keeping them interested can always be challenging, but working with your toddler daily will give you a better understanding of what your child needs.
It's amazing what we learn about our children when we spend time with them.
A lot of parents are always exclaiming that they overspent on toys that their child quickly discarded.
When we actually take the opportunity to actively play with our children we receive cues from them on what they are interested in.
This will typically lead to smarter toy purchases.
We are getting input directly from the source! Give your toddler a set of wooden building blocks and watch and see what they create.
Your child's imagination will run wild as they get the joy of creating something visual from the pictures they see in their head.
Interacting with them and building with them, watching them as they build will encourage them to include you in their play activities.
Listen to music with your child.
Watch them develop their musical abilities with their owntoy piano or numerous other toddler sized musical instruments.
Get involved and be a part of the "band.
" Your child will delight in the fun you create together.
Many of the toys and games on the market are educational and by finding the age appropriate ones for your child they will get hours of fun and learn at the same time.
Flash cards are a phenomenal example of learning through play.
You can teach your toddler almost anything from animals to colors to ABC's and 123's and much more.
It's an activity that you get to do together and will prepare them for their school years.
Our children always look up to us as their role models and by spending the time with them that they crave is enabling positive, learned behaviors that will help them succeed in their future.