A veritable "explosion" of pelvic floor toners over the last few years has meant that there is now a wide and often confusing choice available.
Indeed, this is an area where the UK is very much a leader rather than a follower, with virtually nowhere in the world giving women such a wide choice.
Over the last few years, many women have began to speak about the problem of incontinence, particularly following childbirth.
In the past, this subject matter was swept under the carpet, and many believed it was their own embarrassing little secret.
With women such as Ulrika Johnnson coming out and admitting that (shock, horror!) incontinence can even apply to somewhat glamorous celebrities, more and more women are not only willing to talk about the issue, but to actually do something about it too! There are various types of pelvic toning devices and the question of which are the best pelvic floor toners is a somewhat subjective one.
What might suit some women may just not work for another.
The 3 Main Types of Pelvic Floor Toners 1.
Electronic Toning Devices 2.
Resistance/Sprung Devices 3.
Vaginal balls and Barbells Electronic Toning Devices These have seen a huge rise in popularity, as many women see them as an effortless way of exercising-and in many ways they are! They usually consist of two main parts-a probe and a control device.
The probe is inserted into the vagina and the control device is set depending on the level of pelvic floor weakness, increasing in intensity as the weeks go by.
The woman can simply relax, perhaps watching TV or reading whilst the device does its work.
Resistance/Sprung devices The first versions of these were actually developed by Dr Kegel, the instigator of the well-known "kegel exercises".
He never intended that the kegels should be performed on an empty vagina and he made his own device which provided resistance to the vaginal muscles whilst the women was performing the "squeeze and release" exercises.
The newer versions of these pelvic floor toners have sophisticated mechanisms for measuring how strong the pelvic muscles are and how much progress is being made.
Vaginal Balls and Barbells Vaginal balls can be left inside the vagina whilst going about everyday activities.
The muscles respond by clenching around them, providing both gentle stimulation and exercise.
The pelvic floor muscles can be subtly worked for hours at a time.
Vaginal barbells range in weight from light to heavy, with the heavier versions only being suitable for women who already have strong pelvic floor muscles and want to develop them even more.
Opinions vary as to which are the best pelvic floor toners and it is very much up to the individual to decide which best fits into her lifestyle.
Women who simply cannot even perform an effective "squeeze" would probably be better off starting off with an electronic device, as this will automatically perform the correct contractions.
Some women prefer to be actively involved and prefer to be able to monitor their improvements and for these, a resistance device may be best.
For women preferring a "fun" element", the vaginal balls or barbells might be the best option.
Indeed, this is an area where the UK is very much a leader rather than a follower, with virtually nowhere in the world giving women such a wide choice.
Over the last few years, many women have began to speak about the problem of incontinence, particularly following childbirth.
In the past, this subject matter was swept under the carpet, and many believed it was their own embarrassing little secret.
With women such as Ulrika Johnnson coming out and admitting that (shock, horror!) incontinence can even apply to somewhat glamorous celebrities, more and more women are not only willing to talk about the issue, but to actually do something about it too! There are various types of pelvic toning devices and the question of which are the best pelvic floor toners is a somewhat subjective one.
What might suit some women may just not work for another.
The 3 Main Types of Pelvic Floor Toners 1.
Electronic Toning Devices 2.
Resistance/Sprung Devices 3.
Vaginal balls and Barbells Electronic Toning Devices These have seen a huge rise in popularity, as many women see them as an effortless way of exercising-and in many ways they are! They usually consist of two main parts-a probe and a control device.
The probe is inserted into the vagina and the control device is set depending on the level of pelvic floor weakness, increasing in intensity as the weeks go by.
The woman can simply relax, perhaps watching TV or reading whilst the device does its work.
Resistance/Sprung devices The first versions of these were actually developed by Dr Kegel, the instigator of the well-known "kegel exercises".
He never intended that the kegels should be performed on an empty vagina and he made his own device which provided resistance to the vaginal muscles whilst the women was performing the "squeeze and release" exercises.
The newer versions of these pelvic floor toners have sophisticated mechanisms for measuring how strong the pelvic muscles are and how much progress is being made.
Vaginal Balls and Barbells Vaginal balls can be left inside the vagina whilst going about everyday activities.
The muscles respond by clenching around them, providing both gentle stimulation and exercise.
The pelvic floor muscles can be subtly worked for hours at a time.
Vaginal barbells range in weight from light to heavy, with the heavier versions only being suitable for women who already have strong pelvic floor muscles and want to develop them even more.
Opinions vary as to which are the best pelvic floor toners and it is very much up to the individual to decide which best fits into her lifestyle.
Women who simply cannot even perform an effective "squeeze" would probably be better off starting off with an electronic device, as this will automatically perform the correct contractions.
Some women prefer to be actively involved and prefer to be able to monitor their improvements and for these, a resistance device may be best.
For women preferring a "fun" element", the vaginal balls or barbells might be the best option.