Every time you run a marketing campaign, the customers or visitors you get can be divided into three categories, they are * customers who are ready NOW (Hot); * customers who aren't ready now but will be ready soon (Warm--these leads are critical to your success); and * customers who may never be ready (Cold or Bad Leads).
The problem is, when you first receive them, you don't know which is which!!! So, you or your staff call or send email to every customer on and off and then you spend the time with the customers who look like they're going to close.
Every smart sales person that works on commissions does this--they go for the low hanging fruit! That's right.
They basically cherry pick! Cherry picking is the natural result here because: .
Sales reps are paid high commissions for a sale; .
You can't tell the difference between warm leads and bad leads until you reach them; .
If you DO reach the lead and the timing isn't right, you don't have the time or patience to constantly follow up.
There's nothing wrong with spending your time with hot customers.
The problem of cherry picking comes when you neglect all those warm customers! You know you need a system to follow up with these leads.
You need something or someone to do your follow-up like clockwork, whether you're on the phone, in a meeting or on the golf course.
There are lots of system available in the market such as autoresponder which will help you to collect your customers, your potential customers email addresses.
With the list of email addresses on hand, you can follow up closely with them on your existing or even future promotion.
Those are higher potential buyers than the random visitors to your website.
So, remember to setup an opt-in, this is very important to internet marketing.
Just imagine, if you got 50 visitors a day, then you are losing 50 potential buyers a day if you don't setup your opt in list.
The problem is, when you first receive them, you don't know which is which!!! So, you or your staff call or send email to every customer on and off and then you spend the time with the customers who look like they're going to close.
Every smart sales person that works on commissions does this--they go for the low hanging fruit! That's right.
They basically cherry pick! Cherry picking is the natural result here because: .
Sales reps are paid high commissions for a sale; .
You can't tell the difference between warm leads and bad leads until you reach them; .
If you DO reach the lead and the timing isn't right, you don't have the time or patience to constantly follow up.
There's nothing wrong with spending your time with hot customers.
The problem of cherry picking comes when you neglect all those warm customers! You know you need a system to follow up with these leads.
You need something or someone to do your follow-up like clockwork, whether you're on the phone, in a meeting or on the golf course.
There are lots of system available in the market such as autoresponder which will help you to collect your customers, your potential customers email addresses.
With the list of email addresses on hand, you can follow up closely with them on your existing or even future promotion.
Those are higher potential buyers than the random visitors to your website.
So, remember to setup an opt-in, this is very important to internet marketing.
Just imagine, if you got 50 visitors a day, then you are losing 50 potential buyers a day if you don't setup your opt in list.