- Toxoplasmosis is caused by toxoplasma gondi, an intestinal parasite that can cause miscarriage and birth defects in unborn babies. The organism is found in cat feces and raw meat.
- A blood test can detect past or recent exposure to toxoplasma gondi. If you were exposed at least six months before becoming pregnant, you'll become immune to the parasite and there will be little risk to your baby.
- Wearing gloves and a dust mask will provide protection if you must scoop your cats' litter boxes.
- Because toxoplasma gondi does not become a health threat until at least one day after it has been shed in a cat's feces, scooping the boxes daily will help prevent infestation.
- Washing the litter boxes weekly with detergent and hot water and then filling with boiling water will eliminate cysts containing the toxoplasma gondi parasite.
- Investing in a self-cleaning electronic litter box will let you avoid daily contact with used litter.
Intestinal Parasite
Safe Scooping
Daily Maintenance
Wash Weekly
Electronic Litter Box